Review Corner
spiritual guides, books, podcasts & tools -
these are the ones I’ve tried with my thoughts on them
Matt Haigh
It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see - Thoreau
Chances are you’ve seen lots of comments, recommendations and maybe even reviews of this book. It’s one of those books that everyone is talking about - and with good reason. It’s thought provoking, easy reading and covers one of my favourite subjects, multi-dimensions and alternate lives.
That premise that every decision you make takes you to a different possibility, a different path and possibly even a different life. What life would you be leading if you’d made a different choice? Who hasn’t ever wondered that? I know I certainly have.
I remember reading Richard Bach’s book ‘One’ many moons ago which covers quantum physics in a similar vein - both, by the way are a great read.
I love how Matt forms his characters and how life changes and is never what it seems at first glance. The lead character, Nora, takes a journey through different possibilities and sees how life is never what you expect, even if it appears like you’re living the dream, and that the life we’re actually experiencing is the one where we get the chance to change things, to shift and embrace the possibilities offered to us, if we just open our eyes and see what is in front of us.
Peppered with great quotes by philosophers such as Thoreau this easy reading will make you think, go as deep as you dare into those thoughts and dare to ask yourself some questions as you do.
I’d highly recommend you read it though, it’s a fascinating concept and might just make you appreciate that we are exactly where we’re meant to be.
Oriah Mountain Dreamer
I have loved The Invitation ever since I was given a copy of the poem many moons ago. I believe this book came out in 1999 expanding on the ideas and philosophy of the poem. Each chapter is based on a stanza of the poem and asks you to dive deep into the questions pondered. Whilst it’s often called a poem I see it more as a letter. It implores, or invites, us to live a life of authenticity, of openness, honesty and a deep need to be true to ourselves. In a time when the word ‘authenticity’ is banded around and has become almost meaningless this book actually works with the true meaning of the word.
The sheer open honesty of the words, the rawness and the queries posed are beautifully written. The book offers a series of questions and gives some meditations to challenge us to embrace life fully in all its messiness. I love that Oriah has no qualms about sharing her life, her joys, disappointments, and more with us. That she dives deep into questioning relationships both with ourselves and others. It’s not about her wisdom, it’s about her honesty and vulnerability.
To be honest there wasn’t anything new or different in there in terms of living a life authentically, it’s more about the rawness and the emotions expressed therein. To get the best of this book is to be completely honest with yourself, not to hide behind excuses or blame. There might be chapters in there that really resonate with you because at the moment you’re dealing with grief or fear or insecurity, there may be other chapters that you gloss over. You might find some of the views a little too challenging because of the rawness and vulnerability that are expressed, and the challenge to allow yourself to acknowledge your vulnerability. Re-reading it at different points in life means that each time you get something different from it.
If you love the poem try the book, you might not ‘learn’ anything earth shattering but you might just learn a whole lot about yourself.
My invitation, my challenge to you here, is to journey into a deeper intimacy with the world and your life without and promise of safety or guarantee of reward beyond the intrinsic value of full participation.
Brené Brown
Based around the disconnect that exists in today’s society Brené looks at how loneliness, fear, anxiety and isolation can lead to a society that lives from a position of protection and defensiveness rather than from love and connection
She cites examples of studies undertaken and interviews conducted to encourage living a life fearlessly with engagement.
Quoting from favourite inspirational women, especially Maya Angelou she stresses the importance of re-connecting with each other and putting aside cultural differences. I loved her quote about living with a ‘strong back, soft front and wild heart’. Throughout the book she refers to Boundaries and how we can practice living in the Wilderness with our vulnerability rather than conforming to societal fears.
Not having read Brenés previous books I felt this required you to read what she writes, then to go away and examine your own thoughts and actions. In some respects it can be read as too ‘surface’ it’s difficult to imagine putting this into practice in a place of war but then that’s not, I feel, where she’s coming from with this. It’s about connecting with others whilst staying true to self and there are some good guidelines included.
One quote summed this up ‘The goal is to get to the place where we can think, I am aware of what’s happening, the part I play, and how I can make it better, and that doesn’t mean I have to deny the joy in my life.’
She offers up the system of ‘Braving’ Boundaries, Reliability, Accountability, Vault, Integrity, Non-Judgement & Generosity. And calls time on Bullshit.
This book, for me, isn’t about changing the world, or holding yourself up as an Inspiration or World Leader, it’s about changing yourself and connecting with others so that little by little we re-connect, whilst remaining true to ourselves, with open ‘wild’ hearts.
Alana Fairchild, illustrated by Zeng Hao
I’ve collected quite a number of Oracle Cards over the years. Many are Angel, Goddess, Flower or Crystal themes but this one has to stand out as my all time favourite. The Images are just stunning and they carry the embodiment of the Divine Feminine which I find sage and beautiful when checking in on my journey as and when required.
There are 44 cards and they’re quite large (3 ¾“ x 5 ½“) but easy to handle. Even better because they have a lovely glossy surface they’re easy to clean. The accompanying book is not a quick read but the messages that you get for each card are simply gorgeous and give you a lot of feedback.
In addition to the amazing images (it’s almost impossible to choose a favourite as they are all incredibly graceful) the information given for each card is supportive, advisory, uplifting and inspirational - even the ones which are referencing more difficult times. The information given is easily actionable too should you choose to heed the message. I haven’t yet come across one that produces a ‘groan’ moment.
I particularly liked the little Mantra sections and the suggested visualisations/meditations at the end of each message. My advice is to take time and do the work, you’ll feel better, clearer and more connected for doing so.
Prior to finding this deck I used Angel Cards daily. And, whilst much loved I find as I’ve grown and shifted the energy from this deck is so compassionate and full of wisdom that when in need of a check in these are most definitely my ‘go-to’ cards now.
I love the re-currencies that occur too. Quite often you’ll find that at times of expansion or growth you’ll pull the same card a number of times to really hammer the message home. And I’ve yet to pull one that hasn’t resonated with what’s happening in my life at that exact time.
If you’re looking for a deck that is filled with compassion and wisdom whilst embodying the energy of the Divine Feminine you won’t go wrong with this one. Treat yourself, you won’t regret it!
Michael A Singer
I have to confess that I’d had this book quite a while before it called to me to read it. I guess being laid up waiting back surgery was a big lesson in patience and seemed the ideal time to read books that had been waiting in the wings for the right time. And I’m so glad I did.
What you think of it will really depend upon whether you’re in the ‘trust in the Universe’ or ‘I create my own reality’ believer.
Basically the whole book revolves around the concept of surrendering. When you feel resistance to something, surrender instead. When your mind goes round and round in circles and the mind monkeys are chattering away don’t give in to them. He even takes this concept towards income and money. Admitting freely that spirituality and materiality are not necessarily good and evil concepts. He states honestly that like most of us he struggled initially with his charges but that with time and work on resistance around values he pushed through the separation of spiritual and material and that this then lead to even greater flow and in fact, more wealth and a greater spirituality.
There were two quotes that jumped out at me from this -
‘If life was unfolding in a certain way, and the only reason I was resisting it was because of a personal preference, I would let go of my preference and let life be in charge.’
What a great thought, but for most of us really hard to put into practice. And I think that was my point about the whole book. It’s an amazing book, a good read but for most of us to completely give up control to the extent that Michael Singer did is a big ask. Honestly, it was a big ask for him and he is quite honest about that, but also about how once he began to trust in the Universe to know the direction he should be going in things started to change. It makes you consider what you are resisting and what might actually happen if you dared to let go of your resistance and allow your life to flow without direction.
It would be nice to think that in an ideal world we could all be this dedicated to our journey. But it does mean giving up a lot of control over how and where you think your life should be. And as I said above if you’re of the ‘create your own reality’ school of thought then you’re already creating the reality you want.
‘What would happen to me if I just inwardly surrendered my resistance and let the flow of life be in charge?’
And of course he’s absolutely right - what would happen? You would learn the lessons you needed, be in the right place at the right time, synchronicity would happen. And life, energy and our journey would flow.
If only it were that easy. For me, it’s an ongoing attempt. Sometimes I manage, sometimes my inner Control Freak wins. And maybe there’s still an element of a foot in both camps, I believe strongly in Universal Flow, I could tell you many stories of times when wonderful things have happened without my control (actually probably despite my attempts to control) and then I also believe we can create our own reality through vision, through belief and through perseverance.
But, I really enjoyed this read, I found his story insightful, fascinating and a great lesson in what can happen once you really, truly trust.