Soul Musings
The First Full Moon of 2024 rises in Leo, think Big, bold and Courageously.
The first Full Moon of 2024 rises in the big hearted, courageous sign of Leo. Opposing an Aquarius sun it’s time to work with limiting beliefs and step into your purpose. Release those blocks that let you self sabotage and show the world who you truly are.
Major Shifts Incoming - astrological Events herald a new way.
Todays Worm Moon in Virgo sees the last Full Moon of the Winter and the astrological year. Soon after this Saturn moves into Pisces for the next 3 years. It’s time to get real on what spirituality means to us individually and collectively, to speak our truth and set the groundworks for the life you want. Saturn asks us to do the work, Pisces wants to support our dreams and Virgo likes to know the details. Should be interesting!
Divinely feminine, sacred and blessed - the spiritual side of Rose Oil
Divinely Feminine and sacred Rose Oil has been used in Rituals for centuries. Known as the Heart Oil this beautiful oil of the Goddess opens the heart chakra and aids in spiritual growth. Warm, comforting, heady and sweet it’s a beautiful way of celebrating love in all it’s forms.
Imbolc Blessings, the wheel turns, light returns.
Blessings on the return of the light as we celebrate Imbolc and the Goddess Brigid. The wheel turns, light returns and the blessing of the triple goddess be on you.
Augusts New Moon in Virgo heralds in Virgo season
Summer is fading, Autumn energies are beginning to emerge. The New Moon in Virgo heralds the last hurrah of summer vibes and leads us into a slower, more peaceful September. Working with New Moon energies of intention setting, co-creating with the Universe means getting really clear on what direction you want to take.
A fiery Leo Sun meets the Full Moon in Aquarius & Taskmaster Saturn rears his head.
A week of intense energies concludes with Augusts Full Moon in Aquarius. With the Sun in Leo, the Lion’s Gate Portal closing for this year and Saturn Retrograde making its presence as the Taskmaster Planet felt tomorrow looks to be a breathe before you commit type of day. What does this Moon have in store for us as a collective?
Lions Gate 2022 a magical, mystery ride.
It’s time to connect in with your inner goddess, your divine feminine and unleash your spiritual side. The Lion’s Gate portal is active and now is your chance to embrace your spirituality, to create a new way of being and raise your vibrations. The Royal Sirian Lions await, grab your Leo courage and dare to ascend.
A rare Black Moon, a partial solar eclipse and Beltane celebrations.
The first eclipse season of 2022 is finally here, a New Moon in Taurus sees in a partial lunar eclipse just hours before Beltane and making this the first Black Moon this year in the East. Taurus New Moons are concerned with self care, self worth, finances and those little bits of luxury that make us feel special. But with the eclipse energies in tandem it’s time to really ask ourselves some deeper questions.
Time for a heart centred approach with a Pink Full Moon
An Aries Sun meets a Libra Moon, self versus others, where are we seeing balance and harmony in our relationships and where do we need to remove our rose coloured glasses and have deep and honest conversations. Now is the time to do it, from and with the heart.
Less reflecting more doing as a fiery New Moon invites change.
Less reflective and more action based this new moon in Aries dares us to be vulnerable and to recognise that there is strength in having the courage to show up as our true selves, to ditch others labels and expectations and dare to be open and honest about who we are and what we stand for.
Practical Virgo dances with dreamy Pisces in March's Full Moon.
When you get that perfect balance of practical, health orientated Virgo meeting dreamy, soulful, anything is possible Pisces we get a chance to heal, to have a good spring clean and to organise our lives so that we can, indeed, make the impossible possible.
A dreamy, soulful Pisces New Moon raises questions.
Pisces is our deepest spiritual selves. Intuitive, creative, psychic this new moon asks us to reveal those truths we’ve hidden away. To face our fears and to ask ourselves soul searching questions with the intention of healing and freeing ourselves from self-limiting beliefs and habits.
Love, love, love under a Leo Full Moon
Just after Valentines day comes a full moon in Leo. Courageous, big hearted, open Leo meets an Aquarius sun. How can you free yourself to be vulnerable, compassionate, love and be of service to not only your close loved ones but also for the greater good.
Time to celebrate New Beginnings
Februarys New Moon in Aquarius, Imbolc, and the Chinese New Year of the Water Tiger bring opportunities to get clear on what we want to shift and create this year. Time to plant seeds and watch for the sprouts of growth appearing in the Earth as Spring approaches, and to use this time to plant new seeds for our personal and spiritual growth too. Work with the energies of this moon to set your intentions and re-focus your energies on what you want to achieve.
Welcoming in the First Full Moon of 2022.
A Cancer Moon in Capricorn Season means putting the work in, using those practical energies to help us work through the emotions of a Cancer Full Moon. Home and family are at the forefront, relationships, reconnecting and releasing. Using crystals to support this work and understanding what else is happening on a planetary level means really working from our soul and working with purpose.
A New Year and A New Moon - dare to make big plans!
How perfectly aligned is it to start a New Year with a New Moon, a chance to set intentions for the next 12 months whilst supported by the energy of the Moon, the perfect time to work on creating a plan. This Capricorn New Moon amplifies that energy of planning and focus whilst letting us get organised and focused. And with Jupiter, the planet of Luck being one of the big influences this year you can dare to dream big.
What does the last Full Moon of 2021 hold for us?
The last Full Moon of 2021 is packed with energy. The end of the eclipse season, Venus retrograde, Gemini and Sagittarius opening many discussions around health, money, relationships and some unexpected meet - ups might even be added to the mix. What does this Full Moon mean and how can we work with Forgiveness and Gratitude under the light of the Full Moon to help shift our energies into one of gratitude, abundance and grace. Read on for my guide around it all……
Top Tips on avoiding stress and burnout in busy times.
The run up to holiday season can be a like running the gauntlet. Avoid feeling overwhelmed with my quick and easy top tips to avoid stress and burnout and approach your to-do list like SuperGirl instead of the Incredible Hulk.
The last New Moon of 2021 and a Solar Eclipse arrives.
The final New Moon of 2021 arrives with a Solar Eclipse heralding a time of opportunity. A chance to reflect on the last 18 months and the lessons brought, to continue the inner work we’ve been doing this year and ask ourselves questions around how we want 2022 to look. Ponder on the intentions you want to set, think back on how far you’ve come and embrace any changes that happen.
A Full Moon in Taurus brings in the last eclipse season of 2021
A Full Moon in Taurus is bringing in the last eclipse of 2021, a new eclipse season on the Taurus - Scorpio axis and a chance to welcome transformation. Eclipse energies can be startling, sudden and unexpected, stay grounded, do the work and leave any deep and meaningful conversations until things settle again….