Practical Virgo dances with dreamy Pisces in March's Full Moon.

Full Moon in Virgo.

Tomorrow sees our last full moon of the 2021 astrological season, and it brings with it a golden opportunity to focus on you, your health, your body and what needs healing. Whilst you might not think that practical, earthy, healing Virgo would work well with dreamy, soulful Pisces in fact the two are a perfect partnership.

A Pisces Sun opposing a Virgo Moon can be summed up in one word - balance.  

Rising at 7.17am in the UK, and for my US friends yours is around 2.17am depending on your time zone of course, this Worm (or Lentern) Moon is a practical one, a chance to manifest change and commit to self-care and self-improvement with a view to how it can help others and make the world a much better place, after all Virgo is the sign that is about being in service to others as well as health and wellbeing.

A Piscean Sun brings in spiritual, intuitive energy which helps Virgo connect with their higher self and work from the soul not just their head, whereas Virgos practical side brings those airy Piscean dreams down to earth and creates a realistic plan as to how to achieve them. These two work so well together to conclude the astrological year that if you’ve never tried working with the energies of the moon this is a good one to start with.

And of course, because it’s Virgo we need to consider how to put those energies to the best use. Make time to declutter, spring clean, have a good clear out as well as looking at your health and wellbeing practices and what needs a shake-up. Commit, or re-commit to diet/exercise/health plans so that your body is cared for. Not forgetting that as the healer sign of the Zodiac you could also be looking at your relationships and what needs healing there. What do you need to let go of so that you can focus your energy on where you should be, or what you would rather be doing?

Full Moons are a time to work with the energy of releasing, of letting go of what no longer serves us, and of being grateful not only for what does, but also that those things you’re letting go of were present in your life and will have shown you something you needed to see. Gratitude for the lessons learned is a super thing to do when you’re working with spiritual growth and development.

Rituals and the need for them.

I’ve had quite a few conversations recently with people feeling guilty about buying a new crystal or set of oracle cards etc for use in their rituals when the world around us feels so painful and difficult to navigate. So, let’s address why rituals and the little things we do in our daily lives matter so much and how you shouldn’t, ever, feel guilty for getting something that will help you connect to your rituals and therefore to your spiritual side. 

Rituals, habits, daily behaviours matter. More so now when it’s easy to be pulled off balance by everything that’s happening on the world stage. We need to use whatever we can to stay connected to source so that we can stay connected to each other, to our highest selves, and to raising our vibrations. When we connect into our rituals and our patterns of behaviour, they help us to face the darkness and to acknowledge its existence, because let's face it, it does exist. There's no point pretending it doesn't, it's there, you turn on the news, and it's there. You pick up a newspaper or magazine, or you look at your phone, and generally speaking something, somewhere is going to hit you.

When we work with our own rituals, patterns and behaviours, we acknowledge the existence of what's going on around us, what's going on in the world. But we're holding fast to our own shining light. And those little things that we do are sacred to us. And by being sacred to us, they help us to continue to raise our vibrations, to shine our light.

One way of working with your shadow side, with any darkness that you feel around the world is to shine a greater light on it. So having these rituals, these small things that you hold sacred, whether it be full moon rituals, crystal gridding, oracle cards, or a place that you go to sit and meditate, whatever it is that you have, that is your sacred space. It's important to connect, particularly a time when everything around you seems to be difficult or challenging or sad. And the more you can use those things, the more you can make that connection, the more you'll raise your vibration, and therefore the more collectively we can raise our vibrations, and we can shine a much, much bigger light out in the world and give permission to other people to do the same.

So, is it wrong to buy new crystal, a new herbal tea, oracle cards etc. to do your full moon ritual? No, absolutely not. We need these rituals and their components; we need that connection. And we need to give people permission to do that, to work together individually and collectively to raise our vibrations, to heal wherever we can. And that means being compassionate and caring towards each other as well. Embracing your shadow side and confidently shining your light is something that particularly as Lightworkers we came here to do. So go out there and do that. Use your rituals, do the things that are sacred to you, because they're very necessary for us to continue to connect to source and to find the energy to rise above the heaviness and the darkness and shine a light.


What does this Full Moon mean?

Bringing that Piscean dreaminess, that connection to higher levels, of more soul filled work, together with the Virgo energy of planning, being organised, having systems in place and being very grounded it's time to use this energy to do the higher healing work. Light a candle, say a prayer, meditate, visualise peace and connect with loving healing energy and the area of your life where it’s needed. And because Virgos are about being of service the more we can extend that healing energy out around the planet, and indeed to Mother Earth herself, the more we can help things to shift and that's what we came here to do. Relax, breathe and focus on the positive things around you. Use this Full Moon to be grateful for the things and the people around you. Recognise the soul beauty in everything and everyone around you, and really begin to visualise those changes that you want to make.

This particular Full Moon energy is not so much about having a big, complicated ritual, it's more about having your small but really effective, well-meaning rituals. Whatever your ritual is connect in fully with it, follow the steps and make each individual part meaningful.

A Full Moon in Virgo

Ways to work with a Full Moon 

Remember too that as this is an especially healing moon it’s also a great time to charge your crystals. especially for any healing crystals that you're using. Cleanse your crystals first by either smudging them with incense, sage or Palo Santo, holding them under running water or placing them on an amethyst bed. And then you can put them on a windowsill where the full moon will shine down on them. Or if you've got a garden that's private enough, you can leave them out in the garden overnight. One thing that I like to do, particularly with my Earth Crystals, is to put them on a bed of Earth as well so that they fill up on earth energy too.  

If you're not sure what it is that you want to release, or what you need to forgive or what changes you need to make, you can use your Oracle/Tarot cards, dowse for direction, or use some other means of divination to help you find an answer to the question you're asking. Another thing that’s great to do under a Full Moon where you feel that you can't have a conversation with the person that you're looking to release or forgive, (because remember when you're looking at releasing sometimes that also means letting go of relationships) is to write a letter to them. Just tell them everything that you want to say but from a place of love and compassion. And then release that person by safely burning, tearing up or burying the letter. This is done with the energy of forgiveness in your heart affirming to yourself that you really do truly forgive and let go of that person and that you wish them all the best when you do so. 

If you're really struggling with attachment, you can do a meditation or visualisation with Archangel Michael, where you work with cord cutting to compassionately sever your connection to that person, memory or place.

Moon bathing is a beautiful thing to do. Hopefully it's dry enough to be able to go out there and do that. In with the bathing theme, you could also have a …


Forgiveness bath. Fill the bath with your favourite scents, light your candles, put on some spiritual music if you want to, or you can meditate whilst relaxing but it should be done with the energy of working with forgiveness.

Moon water is another great way of working with the water element that comes with a Full Moon, place a jar or bottle of water under the full moon (you can put crystals in it or crystals around it). Charge it with an intention for what you want that water to be. If you are a Reiki or symbol person you could put the bottle of water on some symbols or energetically transfer symbols into it. Whatever you feel that you want to do to really make this water magical.

And then lastly for all you crystal lovers use and connect in with your crystals. Honestly if you saw my desk now you'd probably laugh at the number of crystals I have around me, charging them on a full moon is always a full task but they really appreciate it. I like to work with the crystals relevant to the energy of each full moon. So, because this is a Virgo Full Moon, I've chosen some crystals that are good for working with and balancing out that detail oriented stressy side of Virgos. Virgos tend to hold everything in, they're not very good at talking about things or letting things go, they hold it deep inside. So, to honour my Virgo Moon and Sun I've chosen the following crystals for my crystal grid, purely to help facilitate the Virgo Full Moon and the healing aspects that come with it:

  • Star Sapphire. Sapphire is a Virgo crystal anyway, but I’ve chosen Star Sapphire because they're a good crystal for helping with organising our lives but also to bring those higher ideals down into a more real and practical way and putting some structure in place so that you can create a make those higher ideals real. This gorgeous stone helps identify our life purpose so is a great stone for a Virgo healing Full Moon opposing a Pisces Sun.

  • Watermelon Tourmaline. This is a beautiful stone and it's a heart crystal and so is a very healing, nurturing, compassionate stone, which helps to open the heart centre. It can help Virgos to start to connect with and express what they're feeling rather than internalising everything.

  • Another very soothing, compassionate stone is Amazonite. Helpful if you're struggling with self-love. It's also good for communication not only because it balances the masculine and the feminine energies in us, but it also helps us to see both sides of the issue. It’s also the perfect stone for working with universal love. So again, another heart stone but on a much, much bigger level.

  • Moss Agate is a stone I really love. Being a Virgo myself anything that's earthy, and of the Earth feels very special, particularly if it looks like anything to do with nature. The colours of Moss Agate stun with all the different greens within that can look like not just moss but trees and grass, really representing nature. Again, this is another calming heart stone. But because Virgos love to have everything in place, this one is useful for helping us with our goal setting, particularly for goal setting that is related to health and wellbeing and even towards changing the world.

  • Amethyst. This is usually one of the first stones that people start working with, it's a very spiritual stone. Again, it's a very calming and very peaceful stone. It also helps with acceptance, not just accepting things as they are, but also working with our more spiritual side so that we can look at not just accepting but then bringing about any changes that we can do.

  • Fluorite, this can come in different colours, greens, purples, pinks, or a mix of all those and this one helps to balance the more serious side of Virgos (they tend to be very serious, usually because they've got a lot of plates spinning in the air at any one time). And because that sense of responsibility means that they want everything to be done to perfection they'll beat themselves up if it's not done to their standards. Fluorite helps to balance the more serious side, helps us to slow down. And it helps us to be in the moment and to stop spinning so many plates.

It's a really great time to declutter your office and/or your house, to put systems in place to help you run your business better, to map out a strategy or to look at how you can organise things. Do your research particularly if you're signing any contracts, do your due diligence, and background work on anything that you're thinking of birthing. Clean your space, clean your car, have a clean out of your wardrobe, even down to social media and email lists, whatever it is in your life that needs a bit of decluttering and a bit of clearing work, now's the time to do it.


Less reflecting more doing as a fiery New Moon invites change.


A dreamy, soulful Pisces New Moon raises questions.