A dreamy, soulful Pisces New Moon raises questions.

We greet a new month with Sunshine, blue skies and a dreamy, soulful new moon in Pisces. Honestly this has to be one of my favourite New Moons of the year. The more I discover about Astrology and the deeper my moon work goes the more I can really see times that resonate strongly with my soul and soul work and this intensely spiritual sign, and its moons gives us a fantastic opportunity to really get in touch with our spiritual side.

Pisces is a dreamy sign; the spiritual sign of the zodiac and we all have Pisces featuring somewhere in our Natal charts. It’s the part of you that is deeply spiritual, whatever that means to you. It might be religious, or earth based but deep in our core we all have a part of us that is connected to the Universe, how you live and work with that connection is your personal choice and is perfect for you.

I’m going to confess that I’ve found it hard to focus in and write this today. Writing is usually something that comes easily to me, but the last few days have been heartsore, and I find myself feeling out of sorts and sad. Talking about politics, economics etc is not something I generally use my website and social media for, but I think this needs voicing and when better than under a New Moon when we can come together to effect change.

I avoid watching the news but even without that I’m very aware of the images that friends, and colleagues have spoken about, the horrific deaths and injuries suffered at the hands of a megalomaniac. I make no apologies for not sugar coating it. But knowing about the darkness means we can shine a light even brighter, and we can use our connectedness to link our energies together and send love and healing, to work with higher beings and higher energies to change what is happening and beam out compassion, strength, peace and more. Together we can help.

At a time when we need to come together, to share our skills and gifts I’ve also found the level of, frankly, bullshit being spoken, and pure ego being demonstrated in spiritual circles upsetting. Thank goodness for the real, authentic souls that are part of my inner circle. Times like this need us to merge, to join our energies not to fall out over social media posts and judgements over whether someone is ‘woke’ or not! I think you get the gist of how irritated I am by this petty behaviour. I could go on but it’s not what you came here to read about.

So back to this beautiful energy of this dreamy, spiritual new moon. I’ve digressed enough. A new moon is a reflective time, the skies are dark as the light of the moon is hidden from us. This time calls for inner work, to go deeper in our thoughts, to reflect on where we are as individuals but also where we are collectively and planetary. Where do you need to re-connect to your soul? Where have you let your spiritual practices slip? Is it time to start a new practice, to maybe meditate, practise mindfulness, start a new cycle in your life?

Pisces is the last sign in the Zodiac, the completion of the last 12 months. It’s a deeply intuitive, spiritual sign, creative and sensitive. And because we’ve got both the Sun and Moon is Pisces this week, we need to be gentle with ourselves as well as with others. It’s no good this week trying to give from an empty well. You need to make time to recharge, to refill your well and then use the excess for others. Think about how you are really feeling - when I ask you how you are, pause, connect and answer honestly. Part of me is hopeful, optimistic, more energised after the challenges and so many emotions of the last few years, the other part of me is still tired, thankfully less so than recently but it’s not a time to dash out and take action. New moons are not huge action times, they are slower, deeper, quieter. Take time, connect and see what pops into your consciousness. What does your self-care routine look like? What do you do to recharge and does it need a revamp? In my practice I’m seeing a substantially larger number than normal suffering with compassion fatigue, burnout and adrenal fatigue. The last few years has taken its toll and we need to use our spiritual tools, our self-care as well as working with professionals to refill our wells and bring us back to balance and wellbeing.

Outdoors feels like a wonderful breath of fresh air blowing through, trees are budding, bulbs are popping their heads above ground, crocus, snowdrops and even some daffodils are sharing their beauty with us. I heard our first curlew and woodpeckers this weekend and it really feels like Spring is here, lighter, longer days are here and we’re all beginning to emerge from our winter hibernations so re-connecting and re-charging matters to our hearts and our souls so much.

But what about working with this New Moon, what does that look like?

Piscean New Moon Energies

It’s time to work on setting our intentions for the next month, or even the next six months through to the Piscean Full Moon in September. What do you want to achieve? A Pisces New Moon asks us to do that in a way that is with complete consciousness about what our deep inner self needs and wants. We need to address what's wounded within us. And whilst that can seem like quite a scary or difficult thing to do, when you do address that wounded psyche, those wounds that you've been holding deep inside, or that maybe you've put in a box and buried really deep you heal. You might think you’ve dealt with it, that it's finished, but don't be surprised if some aspect of that wounding comes back up at this time, this is an opportunity to continue to heal. The really positive side of doing this work, shadow self-work and healing your wounds is that you then move forward out of those patterns of behaviour, you’ll notice that you’re less triggered in similar situations and that you feel much lighter and freer. Those limiting beliefs and patterns of behaviour shift. And that's really what this is all about. Facing your fears and freeing yourself to move forward. To follow your path and move on to the next thing with it, to get rid of all those blocks that are holding you back. And now is the perfect time to do it. Because a New Moon in Pisces will support you doing that, in fact, she actually asks you to do exactly that.

Key themes for this New Moon are self-care rituals, compassion, spiritual practices, healing deep wounds, daring to face your fears and do the inner work needed to free yourself from whatever beliefs, fears etc have held you back from going for your dreams.

Jupiter and Neptune are both involved in the current energies, and both amplify that message of connecting with our souls, our purpose and looking at our spiritual practices. It's time to connect in with your soul and your higher self. And to try and avoid anything that demands too much from you. You might find that you're feeling really super sensitive, especially if you're Piscean. Or if you've got a Pisces moon or rising sign. You might feel unsure of what your direction is, things have changed a lot for many of us over the last few years. And when change happens sometimes it's easy to see your pathway forwards. Or it can be more difficult, you don't know which direction to go in, it might be that you've got a lot of directions that you could take, and you can't make a decision as to which path to follow. If you're feeling at all unsure about your direction, use the energy of this Piscean New Moon, connect with your innermost self. And think about where you want to go. What do you want to do? Which direction do you want to head in? Just allow yourself some time to stop and to relax. Take some deep breaths, go inwards and ask yourself those questions. Who am I? Where can I best be of service? Where do I want to be? What does my path look like if I go in this direction? What would it look like if I went in this direction? How can I best serve to do what's going to make me happy? What is going to give me a living so that I can have that life that I've dreamed of.

Not forgetting the creative, artistic side of Pisces. Again, reflect on how you can create. What does the word ‘creative’ bring up for you?

Whatever intentions you decide to set make sure that they are aligned with your highest self. Become more conscious about what it is that you’re building. What building blocks are you putting in place now to create the life that you're looking for? What needs to be healed on a really deep inner level? What wounds do you need to work on? What do you need to let go of when it comes to boundaries or behaviour or habits or beliefs?

New Moon in Pisces 2022

Planetary Aspects of this New Moon.

I mentioned that we've got Jupiter and Neptune working with Pisces at the moment. Neptune is actually direct in Pisces through until 2027. The ruling planet of Pisces in old Greek mythology, Neptune was the god of the seas. So again, it's yet another confirmation to connect to our intuition, connect with our higher selves and our subconscious, to find our soul and our spirit, whatever that means to you. Neptune also represents dreams, illusion and imagination, as well as the intuitive, psychic, spiritual side of us. Neptune in Pisces can reveal truths and insights about our thoughts and actions and where we're connected or even disconnected from ourselves or from each other on the planet. It's a really great time to ask ourselves those deep questions that I raised a few minutes ago, to really dive deep into what matters to us and to think about what we can do to change those things. What is the truth that we haven't been owning? Or what are the lies that we've been telling ourselves? Not just on an individual level, on a collective level as well, and that includes politics and economics. What are the truths that need to come to the surface now, what lies need to be revealed and shown up for what they are?

Look for the answers within, trust your inner knowing, trust your intuition.

We still have that lovely Venus Mars conjunction until the 12th of March, but we also have on this New Moon Day Mars (the planet of war) conjunct Pluto (the planet of the underworld) and the power that these two planets bring is literally at our fingertips. So, you might find that you feel a sense of personal power at a time when you might be feeling incredibly sensitive too. How are you going to use that power?

I guess my advice with that will be to focus on using it where it's going to be purposeful. Focus on any new intentions that you're setting, or any new projects/ventures or endeavours that you're building, use it to face your fears. This transit can be a powerful time for shifts and help us overcome any fears.

On Thursday we have Venus conjunct Pluto, which is again about asking ourselves the deeper, more sensitive questions. What really matters to us on a more spiritual level, even down to that search for meaning. What's life all about? What is this all about? Why am I here sort of things? But also, questions such as where have you been coasting? Where have you not been committing to something, now is the time to really break down any barriers, to knock down those walls, to connect in and allow yourself to dive really deep, and to gain a much, much deeper, more meaningful understanding of yourself, of the people around you and of the world around you. And to make those meaningful connections.

On the fourth, we have the Sun conjunct Jupiter, which is in Aquarius. So, we get this real sense of optimism and happiness, anything is possible in the air. And it's another thing that's directing us towards personal growth, towards expansion. It's about well-being and positivity and generosity, and a new cycle of growth. So again, it fits very much with the new moon, that new start, new cycle, starting something new. So, it's a great time if you've ever wanted to start a new venture, business, creative study, a new way of learning perhaps, especially if it fits in with the Aquarian humanitarian traits.

New Moon Crystals.

Ok, so this one has been a long one, but I can’t finish without my usual discussing which crystals will support you in the work this New Moon asks us to do. Here’s my list of what I’m using this month to support this very spiritual, deep inner work:

  • Chrysocolla for emotional support, intuition, inner truth and working with self.

  • Aquamarine for courage and willingness to let go, to remove the need for control, to go with the flow.

  • Apache Tear is a gentle stone for instilling kindness and gentleness, especially during times of grief. It’s used for supported releasing, to face our truths and provides emotional support when dealing with shadow work.

  • Labradorite with its gorgeous blue flash is a chakra balancing stone, grounds spiritual energy and helps with nervous conditions and calms the nervous system, ideal if doing the deep inner work brings up fears or anxieties.

  • Celestite for inner peace, connecting with your spiritual guides, it’s used a lot in spiritual healing and is, surprisingly a good grounding stone.

  • Angelite like Celestite is a spiritual stone that connects us with Angels, helps provide information as to our purpose, increases intuition, connects us with our higher selves and brings peace of mind. It also enhances dreams and dream recall.

  • Apatite, I’m totally enraptured by this stone this year, like Peridot last year apatite is one of my stones of this year. It is said to bring unconditional love, peace, harmony and acceptance. Used also in manifesting work, learning, expanding knowledge and truth it also helps develop our spiritual sides, humanitarian work and although it helps look to the future it’s also connected to past lives and knowledge gained.

  • Black Moonstone is one of my favourites for new moon work. Grounding and calming it connects us to the Divine Feminine helping us heal deeper emotions as well as increasing our creativity and bringing protection. It’s an ideal stone for healers and those seeking spiritual growth.

So that’s it for this one, I hope it inspires you to move forwards and connect in with your soul.


Practical Virgo dances with dreamy Pisces in March's Full Moon.


Love, love, love under a Leo Full Moon