The First Full Moon of 2024 rises in Leo, think Big, bold and Courageously.
Today brings the first Full Moon of 2024, a big, bold, courageous, luminous, generous hearted Leo Moon opposes a cool, quirky, humanitarian Sun in Aquarius. Add the planet of action Mars in Capricorn squaring healer Chiron in Aries, and the Moon herself in a near square to Jupiter in Taurus and opposing transformative Pluto recently moved into Aquarius and that makes for a lot of fast moving, purposeful energy around.
The first Full Moon of the year is a Wolf Moon as wolves were said to be heard more at this time, it’s also known as the Cold Moon or Spirit Moon and can fall under either Cancer or Leo. This one rises at 5º Leo so it’s bursting with typical Leo energies, which allows us to ask ourselves questions and do the inner work around Leo qualities and shadow work.
Full Moons illuminate the things we need to release, forgive and be grateful for. That big bold light shines on the areas we usually hide away from forcing us to face those parts of ourselves that require work. To dare to shine our light too.
This moon highlights courage, strength, boldness, optimism, big hearted action and calls on us to watch where we act from ego, obstinacy, pride, drama or selfishness - the shadow side of Leo. It’s time to release the effects of the last 12 months, to let go of the emotions, the drama, if like me you’ve been a recluse or hermit to step out from your cave and into the world again. To be seen for who you are.
Keywords for a Leo Full Moon are Courage, Confidence, Strength, Self-expression, Joy, Optimism, Love and Compassion.
If you love using crystals to work with Golden Tigers Eye, Citrine, Sunstone, Golden Apatite and Kunzite are all great for instilling courage, bravery, joy and removing blocks that might be causing self sabotage.
Herbs or essential oils to burn or work with to clear those blocks and bring in the positive energies include Rosemary, Ginger, Black Pepper, Frankincense, Sweet Orange and Cinnamon.
Journalling, meditating or writing down your answers to questions that this Full Moon might raise are a great way of working with your shadow side and clearing any conscious or subconsious blocks that you hold.
Leo wears it’s heart on its sleeve, it radiates joy, laughter and love of life but it embraces simplicity at its heart. Joy in the simple things of life rather than the purely material. Look at the things in life that bring you joy, that make your heart smile, have you maybe forgotten to notice them or take them for granted? Now is a great time to reconnect to them, to begin to notice them again and allow them to ignite that joy within again.
Focus on gratitude, tell your friends and family how much you love and appreciate them, express your gratitude openly and freely and from the heart. It might be a soul warming cup of coffee a loved one makes for you, it might be noticing the birds in your garden, or nature awakening around you, it might be a kind word or a smile from a stranger. Whatever it is that lifts you today, notice it, embrace it and be thankful. The small everyday actions matter more than we give them credit for. Connect with your inner fire and let your light shine.
Questions to ponder on under this Full Moon:
What blocks do you have that prevent you moving forwards?
Where do you want to go?
Who do you want to be?
Where are you not showing up as you?
Where do you feel unseen or unnoticed?
Where are you feeling vulnerable or insecure?
What actions can you take to step out and show those around you who you truly are?
What do you need to release so that you can embrace joy and courage?
Where does your ego or pride get in the way?
Where are you self-sabotaging right now?
Remember full moons gift us the opportunity to forgive, release and be grateful. Release that which no longer serves you, write down your answers and then safely burn the paper to release the old energy and old habits. Forgive where it’s needed but do it whole heartedly, and express your thanks with typical Leo exuberance.
Don’t let others thoughts and opinions dissuade you from following your purpose, or keep you comfortably in a box. Stand strong in your own beliefs and foundations, deep down you know who you are and what beliefs are important to you. Look for the joy in life, allow yourself to be seen, express yourself as you. Release old beliefs from your childhood, own those that drive you. Work with the extrovert energy of Leo and the introvert energy of Aquarius to bring balance to your words and actions. Watch where your ego presents itself and move past it into true confidence and self belief. Plutos move into Aquarius last weekend brings huge potential for change and deep healing.
Happy Full Moon blessings x