Major Shifts Incoming - astrological Events herald a new way.
Today is magical, divine and the start of major shifts in our lives. Not only is it the last Full Moon of winter which takes place in Virgo, but soon after that Saturn moves out of Aquarius and into Pisces.
So why is this so important?
Lets look at the Full Moon first and what this means for us.
Full Moon in Virgo
It’s a Virgo Full Moon and Virgos are the health sign, the healers, earth mothers, analytical and ruled by Mercury. The Sun is opposing this in Pisces the sign of the dreamer, the sensitive. Both signs are about being of service, Virgo on a practical level, more in the physical realm whereas Pisces is more of a collective universal level in the spiritual realm.
Virgo likes to be organised, to nurture, and analyse. It’s concerned with health, routines and nature. Pisces works intuitively, goes with the flow and knows when things are about to change.
Full Moons are spiritually significant in that they offer us the change to release, to forgive and to let go of things that no longer serve us. They allow us to shift our reality by choosing to forgive ourselves and those who have harmed us. Because we have Saturn moving into Pisces just after the full moon peak its even more important that we do the work at this full moon. The last thing you want to be doing is to carry any hurt, anger, regret or distress forwards into this new era that you could release with a deeply intentional releasing ceremony.
This full moon brings us the chance to change, to no longer feel stuck, to see in detail what is actually holding us back from confidently and purposefully stepping onto our soul path and sharing our soul truths.
Crystals for this Virgo Full Moon
Because it’s important that we release over the next 48 hours I’ve chosen crystals to use that enable that releasing, allow us to drop into our heart centres and find our own personal spirituality whilst completing this cycle with compassion and objectivity. You may prefer to use ones that are more related to forgiveness, or to your health if you have specific health needs at the moment. Virgos are known to have a nervous disposition and rule the stomach and intestines, our digestion. And this can mean not only physical digestion but also the digestion of facts and beliefs.
Howlite is known as the ‘stone of awareness’, it brings with it the energy of calm whilst having the properties that allow the releasing of old energies, unwanted emotions and baggage that we may have carried for years.
Rainbow Moonstone I just love this stone, always perfect for a Full Moon as it perfectly works with the Lunar energies this time I’ve chosen it for the way it helps us to listen and accept our intuition, our inner divine femininity. But also because its a good stone for helping us to go with the flow, another Piscean property.
Smokey Quartz is a wonderful grounding stone but also a definite go-to for removing negative energies and clearing out what no longer serves. It’s useful for helping when you feel stuck in the past, or can’t move past painful situations and its energy helps with acceptance of responsibility.
Aquamarine brings in the water energies of Pisces but is a beautiful stone for conclusions. It’s ability to help with cleansing and completing cycles is perfect for the energies right now. And because of its aqua blue/green colour it also works with our throat chakra to help us speak our truth and have the courage to be visible.
Chrysophase is another blue/green stone but this one brings in the Earth element so is an ideal Virgo stone. It’s also another useful one for letting go of emotions such as anxiety or anger, for transmuting the negative to the positive bringing in acceptance and positivity.
Pink Lemurian Quartz a recent addition to my crystal collection and the most beautiful pale pink hue this stone connects us to ancient wisdom and knowledge from other realms, perfect for the new energies incoming. The pink hue is due to the Lithium present so it’s another stone that can help with anxiety, calming yet energising it can help balance our emotions whilst helping with focus and concentration.
Use your crystals for crystal gridding with whatever intention you set, add them to your bath water for a moon bath, or to bottled water if you’re wanting to make moon water to use over the next few weeks.
Don’t forget Full Moons are ideal times to cleanse and charge your crystals, and as this one is my moon (yes I’m a Virgo Moon too) my garden should be buzzing tomorrow as I’m making the most of these energies to charge my gorgeous gemstones.
Above all else remember over the next few days especially to listen to your own inner wisdom, drop into your heart centre and check in with yourself before reacting to anything you see or hear. Check the facts first as Mars in Gemini is in a T-square to the Sun and Moon. All of these can feel a little overwhelming when it comes to information flying at us from all angles. Discernment is key here - follow your own intuition rather than what you’re being told.
So what about Saturn?
Saturn is a slow moving planet, it has a 28-30 year orbit so it remains in each sign for approximately 3 years. It’s going to be in Pisces until February 2026, the last time this happened was in 1993-96 . The big thing here is that the two don’t make especially happy bedfellows. Pisces is dreamy, intuitive, psychic and ruled by Neptune (water). Saturn is known as the taskmaster of the zodiac, it’s about boundaries, structure, tasks, maturity and responsibility.
Known as the planet of Karma Saturn likes order, it tests us, teaches us necessary lessons and changes lives. If we look at Saturn on a more universal level rather than individual it represents justice and governments. On a positive side it teaches us that we are capable of big things, that we can manifest our dreams as long as we are prepared to show up, do the work and accept the responsibilities of our paths.
Pisces hates boundaries, prefers to swim along feeling the warmth and depth of the water. Rules bore pisceans, flexibility is more their thing. But Pisces can learn structure from Saturn and Saturn can learn to let go and go with the flow a bit more from Pisces.
Looking at it from a spiritual perspective this is a fascinating time. It’s time to really think about what spirituality means to each of us individually and how we connect collectively. Where do we show up and practice our spirituality, a time to be our own spiritual gurus/leaders rather than looking to others for direction.
But this also means more discernment - so this Full Moon is really preparing the groundwork for us to connect with our own inner wisdom and consider what we are being shown/told.
It’s also going to be a chance to build a new way, a new earth with much more emphasis on the collective, on how and where we connect and to move humanity in the right direction.
Don’t be surprised though if at times you might feel a little lost and confused, or even disillusioned with the world around you. The uncovering that may come to light with regard to media, governments etc may leave you feeling that you don’t know who to trust. Pisces knows trust is with self. Lean into your higher self, listen to your intuition, go more with the flow in regard to channelling and practices. Trying to put a timetable on when and how long you meditate, journal or practice yoga might not be the best idea over the next few years. That battle of structure versus fluidity may have you feeling disinclined to stick to routines.
It’s going to be an interesting ride for sure. Even more interesting will be looking back in 2026 and seeing who we’ve become individually and collectively. Saturn might be a hard taskmaster but at the end of the work the rewards are obvious and worthwhile.