A Full Moon in Taurus brings in the last eclipse season of 2021

You’ll need to have your Girl Guide creed of being ready for anything as this month’s full moon rises in the sign of Taurus. Not only is it squaring Jupiter and trine Pluto, but it brings into play the fixed star Algol too. But even more importantly to note it heralds the beginning of a new eclipse cycle which will last through until October 2023.  

December sees the ending of the current Gemini – Sagittarius eclipse cycle with a solar eclipse/new moon in Sagittarius but this full moon (which so far has been stunningly gorgeous in the night sky for the last few evenings) brings the start of the Taurus – Scorpio season.

But what does this all mean energy wise?

Eclipses are powerful portals for change. They open the door that invites us to glimpse what could be if we just dare to step through. And, in some situations even if you’re hesitating about stepping over the threshold the eclipse energies will propel you forward anyway. Eclipses can bring about huge shifts, sudden and unexpected at times but always with your highest good in mind.

Personally, I love eclipse seasons, even with the turbulent energies that they can bring. And if I’m sharing personally the last few days have been fizzy with soooo much energy that I’m glad I’m a pretty grounded no-nonsense Virgo. It really does feel this time round that it’s a ‘hold on to your hats’ kind of few days’ incoming.

This particular eclipse according to NASA is the longest eclipse of the Century spanning around 3 ½ hours in length. If you’re in North/South America, Australia, and Asia you’ll see an almost total eclipse at around 98% coverage, here in the UK and Europe we’ll only see a sliver this time round – we have to wait until 2022 for a blood moon.

Taurus - Scorpio axis

The eclipse axis Taurus – Scorpio will push us to create the life we envision for ourselves, to align our values with our words, actions and work/life balance and dreams. Taurus is a fixed Earth sign, grounded, practical, reliable, steadfast, stubborn, indulgent and Scorpio is a fixed water sign, passionate, intense, deep, relentless, secretive, and focussed. The coming eclipse season has 7 eclipses occurring giving us more chances to press the reset button on our dreams, emotions, and beliefs. If you have planets or nodes in these signs you’ll find this full moon eclipse really intensifies all your emotions. Nodal returns align us with our destinies and are incredible and powerful times in our lives. Eclipse seasons ask us to listen to our intuition more than normal. Don’t be surprised if you really do find yourself propelled forwards in an area that you’ve been dragging your feet in. They reveal things to us, sometimes things that we’ve been avoiding or might not have wanted to see, even down to seeing those around us in a new light. It really is a great time to let go of what is no longer (or who) serving our soul purpose.

Full Moon in Taurus 2021

Full Moon Reading

This particular full moon as mentioned comes with a T-square Jupiter which relates to the Taurus love of money and material things. But this T-square comes with a warning not to overindulge and to be cautious of greed or actions that are irresponsible. The Sun in Scorpio gives us a push/pull energy between keeping strong control over our personal situations or dreaming huge and building castles in the air dreams. The Lunar eclipse calls on us to consider our values rather than our material possessions, it’s time to start building strong foundations for those dreams rather than gilding the walls before they’re safely built. Play safe, stay grounded, go easy on the overindulgent spending on treats and be prepared for big shifts to happen. Pluto is the planet of transformation and as this eclipse trines Pluto it really supports us in positive transformation, work with the releasing and forgiving energy to bring old memories, grief and pain up to the surface to be transmuted into positive and freeing energy. It’s a great chance to release trauma and harmful emotions if you are in a place where you can and are prepared to do the work (and if you’re not, don’t stress there’ll be other opportunities when it better suits you).

Questions to ponder under a Taurus full moon include:

  • What truly matters to you?

  • What needs to change for you to feel secure and happy?

  • Where do you need support, financial or emotional?

  • What limiting beliefs are holding you back?

  • Does your work embody your values?

Remember Taurus is the sign of the bull, they like to take time to consider questions, situations and to make decisions. Generally speaking, they don’t like change, especially when they’ve taken that time to ponder and come up with a plan! So, you may feel a play off between reluctance to change versus that eclipse energy of sudden and unexpected change. If you are reluctant ask yourself why? What is holding you back? Where is the fear and what can you do to address and shift it?

It’s a great Full Moon to work with finances, and as Full Moons are great times to work on releasing what no longer serves it might be well timed to work on releasing any old, outdated beliefs around money or material goods, self-worth and allowing in abundance. Use the energy of gratitude that a full moon brings to shift your mindset into an abundant one if needs be. Remember true happiness and security come from within rather than from external forces. Where can you align what you do with creating an income?

And as Taureans love home comforts don’t forget your self-care. What form does self-care take for you and how can you make sure you fit it into your schedule over the next few days especially.

If you love working with Lunar energies then the gorgeous feminine energy of this Moon calls for us to slow down, to be open to receiving, to nourish both our heart and soul, to be guided by our own wisdom (listen to your higher self, your intuition – don’t ignore that voice that whispers strongly within). Think about who and what sustains you, and how you sustain others. What and who brings light and happiness into your life and where can you increase that? And lastly wait until the eclipse energies have settled next week before having any really deep and meaningful conversations.  

I always love to work with lunar energies, especially to dive deep and do the inner work that each moon calls on us to do. This one feels especially opportune. And part of my work is to create a crystal grid using crystals chosen especially for each moon. This month I’ve chosen

Citrine – the stone of abundance to welcome in abundance in all areas and make sure that my mindset is a truly abundant and welcoming one.

Pyrite for blessings and abundance in all areas.

Peridot – this is my stone of the moment lately. I’ve fallen completely in love with its acidic lime green hues but it’s a stone that brings positive power with it, allowing us to go for our dreams.

Larimar – embodies peace, oceans, dreaminess this gorgeous pale blue stone helps in releasing emotional bonds that no longer serve us.

Moonstone – what Full Moon grid would be complete without the stone of the Goddess herself? Connecting us to the moon herself, our divine feminine selves, and our soul sisters. 

Selenite – dreamy, translucent bringer of harmony and keeping us focused and calm. The word selenite means ‘moon’ in Greek and is said to open channels into other worlds. 

Lapis Lazuli – the ancient stone of manifestation and power used by the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. It’s the universal symbol of wisdom and truth. 

So, there you have it, my musings on this month’s full moon eclipse energies and how to work with them, enjoy the season, stay grounded and focused and don’t forget to work with the energies of releasing, forgiveness, and gratitude during a full moon for the best effect. Hold onto your hat and I’d love to hear your experiences and see your grids or altars too.


The last New Moon of 2021 and a Solar Eclipse arrives.


A practical, grounded time for healing - Virgo New Moon rising.