Soul Musings
A fiery Leo Sun meets the Full Moon in Aquarius & Taskmaster Saturn rears his head.
A week of intense energies concludes with Augusts Full Moon in Aquarius. With the Sun in Leo, the Lion’s Gate Portal closing for this year and Saturn Retrograde making its presence as the Taskmaster Planet felt tomorrow looks to be a breathe before you commit type of day. What does this Moon have in store for us as a collective?
What does the last Full Moon of 2021 hold for us?
The last Full Moon of 2021 is packed with energy. The end of the eclipse season, Venus retrograde, Gemini and Sagittarius opening many discussions around health, money, relationships and some unexpected meet - ups might even be added to the mix. What does this Full Moon mean and how can we work with Forgiveness and Gratitude under the light of the Full Moon to help shift our energies into one of gratitude, abundance and grace. Read on for my guide around it all……
A Full Moon in Taurus brings in the last eclipse season of 2021
A Full Moon in Taurus is bringing in the last eclipse of 2021, a new eclipse season on the Taurus - Scorpio axis and a chance to welcome transformation. Eclipse energies can be startling, sudden and unexpected, stay grounded, do the work and leave any deep and meaningful conversations until things settle again….
A Full Blood Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius
A Full Blood Moon in Sagittarius, time to connect to our inner wisdom, our higher selves and release what no longer serves. Emotions run high, sudden endings, swift decisions happen, trust that this is part of your Divine Plan, take time and listen, act and speak with compassion and work with these incredible but intense energies and you might just be surprised where you end up.
Full Moon in Scorpio – the hidden revealed.
Deep, intense, transformative Scorpio moon meets earthy, magnetic, sensual Taurus. It’s time to transform and look at what we need to walk the path we came here to travel. Let go, release, forgive and allow change to happen.
Full Moon in Virgo – practical planning time.
This months Full Moon in Virgo meets the Sun in dreamy Pisces. Time to think about how we can change things to live a life of purpose. Practical planning, staying grounded whilst dreaming big is required.
Full Moon in Leo - all the feelings!
January comes to its conclusion with a Full Wolf Moon in Leo. The chances of not feeling this one are slim!
Snow Moon in Leo.
Fiery, passionate Leo brings us this months Full Moon. What does it mean for you and how can you work with the energies of a Leo Moon?
A real chance for transformative growth under a Taurean Full Moon
A magical opportunity for real, lasting transformational change beckons. Reach for the stars now.
Full Moon Energies.
Tonights Full Moon in Capricorn combined with the partial lunar eclipse is asking us to look at areas in our life about growth and maturity, about releasing and boundaries. Where can you make the changes you need to move forwards or to step up into new opportunities. The Moon and the eclipse are inviting you to look deep inside and see where you can make the best changes.