Full Moon in Leo - all the feelings!
Tonight’s full moon is already out there looking awesome even though she doesn’t reach full fullness until 7.16pm. Known as a Wolf Moon this month’s Full Moon is all about feelings. Moons represent our inner selves whilst the sun rules over our external self. Depending on the position of various planets Full Moons can cause some inner conflict, especially around emotions.
This moon is especially strong and powerful and is filled with fiery, passionate Leo energy blended with spiritual Aquarius sun energy mixed in with a line-up of planets in Aquarius and squaring Mars. Most of it relates to a fixed square with 6 planets, none of them moving and all standing firm in their own right. Caution is needed for the next few days.
Leos are ruled by the Sun and the element of Fire, warm and welcoming, proud and strong they generally have a good awareness of their own value and plenty of self-confidence. You don’t usually keep a Leo down for long.
Generous and loving to a fault their inner strength means they are not afraid to wear their heart on their sleeve – nor are they afraid to tell you exactly how they feel.
The last full moon in Leo was in February 2020, just before our world turned upside down. This full moon therefore asks us to look back at what we’ve achieved over the last year instead of focusing on what we’ve missed out on or lost. Where can you congratulate yourself, what changes have you made, or is it simply that you’ve weathered this crazy time with your sense of self intact? If you haven’t been crazy busy working, home schooling and more have you developed new skills in cookery, languages, crafts or spent the time gaining insights into yourself and your world?
If you can’t congratulate yourself on a job well done, let me. I’m utterly in awe of anyone holding down a job or running a business whilst home-schooling. Honestly, I don’t know how you do it. So, here’s a little reminder of how incredibly awesome you are.
What has this turbulent time shown you the value of? What lessons have you learned. And as it’s a Full Moon what do you need to release to fully integrate those lessons?
Full Moons are times of forgiveness and release. Time to let go of burdens that no longer serve us, and sometimes that might mean letting go of people too or having a good clear out.
Last month’s Full Moon in Cancer and the recent New Moon in Capricorn asked us to move forwards towards finding our true purpose, to live in alignment with our calling and to look at where we found our community and how we could contribute more to it. This month’s Full Moon used the power of Leo’s confidence to allow us to express that vision, to dare not only to dream but to talk about and work towards making that dream a reality.
But because it’s Leo and because many planets are in Aquarius, and we have a fixed square we need to be aware of taking care with our words and our actions. Leo’s can sometimes speak before thinking but it’s never with any intention to cause pain, it’s just simply speaking from the heart rather than their head. That fiery dynamic mixed in with the planetary line up and the releasing aspects of this Full Moon mean emotions are very likely to be running high. The chances of you not feeling this one is slim.
Make time to think about what emotions are really causing the problem. Where in your body are you feeling it and how can you work to release it? Try and stop before reacting, think about what you are about to say or do and ask yourself if this is really what you want to express and to the right person? Try and avoid any hurt feelings and bruised egos as it’s more than likely that there’ll be a good dose of guilt accompanying them not long after.
Remember to look at the bigger picture, trust yourself and recognise where you’ve achieved, celebrate your wins, let go of what no longer serves you and forgive both yourself and others for errors in judgement or ill-spoken words.
Your huge heart can be allowed to be open; love doesn’t have any limits and forgiveness not only helps the forgiven but also the forgiver. Time to drop the weight of anger or resentment as well as other burdens.