New Moon in Aquarius – planning for change and purpose.

Our second new moon of 2021 arrives at 11.16pm tonight on the 11th of February in the sign of Aquarius. Sitting alongside a line-up of planets in Aquarius (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn) with Mercury being retrograde presently makes for a powerful Aquarian Stellium (when we have a line-up of planets in one sign). In addition, we have the Lunar (Chinese) new year beginning tomorrow heralding in the year of the Metal Ox.

New Moons are the time when the moon is shrouded in darkness and begin a new lunar cycle. Traditionally called ‘void’ moons as the moon is invisible in our hemisphere. As such they mark a time for us to begin a new cycle, to look for new beginnings, new plans and to set out our intentions or wishes.

And when you have a planetary line up such as this one it creates a powerful energy. You might notice that you feel awake and full of energy, inspired to make plans and stand in your own truth. Or you might feel a bit foggy headed and unclear of where you are and how to move out from the stagnation. You might need to step back and take some time to sleep and recharge, Aquarians need time alone to rebalance and you may find it’s necessary for you to do the same.

Falling under the sign of Aquarius the energy key words are ‘humanitarian’ and ‘collaboration’. Being a fixed air sign Aquarians are independent, humanitarian, and often think outside the box. They are our spiritual guiders, good listeners interested in not only the esoteric but technology, development, innovation and revolution. Free thinking and often appearing to have their head in the air Aquarians hate boredom and limitations and love to use their minds. Great in groups and communities but also needing alone time to rebalance. 

Fixed signs are associated with determination, strength and persistence as well as being very stable, however the opposing traits are stubbornness, inflexibility, rigidity, opinionated and single-minded. Working with the positive traits of this moon mean bringing our humanitarian and community sides to the fore.

This particular new moon asks us to stand up and speak our truth. To consider what and who we stand for, to be authentic in all of our endeavours and communications. To stand firm in our power, to be our true soul selves and let that soul light reveal our truths and beliefs to others. By being our true soul selves, we allow others to stand in their truths too. Now is not a time to let others influence you or change your mind. You know the path you walk, and you know why you do so. The time for change and for awakening continues, not only on an individual but also on a Universal level. It’s time for you to really think about the changes you need to make in your life, where you are called to serve and how you can make this a reality.

The last time we had an Aquarian Stellium like this one was back in the 1960’s so chances are this moon will link us to a strong desire to return to more peaceful and community-based life. Think about how you can use this energy to not only help you but also others, our communities and the planet itself.

New Moon in Aquarius

New Moons are times to consider what we want to manifest over the next month. If you prefer you could call it intention setting or visualising but however you refer to it this is the time to set out a plan. If you can’t manage it on the actual day, you can still work with the energies for the next 48 hours, I often find it more powerful to set my intentions after the void moon, usually the next day if it’s very late in the evening or early morning.

When you’re working with manifestation or intention setting it’s really important to work on what you want to achieve rather than what you want to avoid or don’t want to feel. Remember that this energy is one of working with getting what you want and if you focus on what you don’t want this is what you’re inviting in.

Allow yourself to really feel your intentions, feel what it is like to have achieved, to have created. When you work with the energy of intention feeling it as accomplished says to the Universe that this is how it is. The inestimable Dr Wayne Dyer put it perfectly when he said, ‘feel the feeling of the wish fulfilled’. Don’t just wish for it, feel how it feels to have gained it.

Your thoughts create your reality, it’s time to use this Aquarian energy to really think about the path you’re walking and what your soul desires. How do you want your life to look and what do you need to do to get there?

There are numerous ways of working with the energy of a new moon. You can:

  • Begin with a cleansing salt bath and cleansing essential oils such as Juniper Berry, Pine, Ylang-ylang or Spruce (remember to make sure these are in a dispersible base, using neat essential oils in a bath can cause skin irritation and burns).

  • Create your own sacred altar with crystals, oracle cards, power words, images, flowers, moons and symbols.

  • Write down your intentions (you’ll find my free downloadable pdf here).

  • Draw or doodle how you see your plan, using your right brain works on an intuitive level to really see what you want.

  • Create a vision board. Vision boards are great ways to start a new year, and under this new moon is an ideal time to create one if you haven’t already.

My favourite way of working with new moons is to map out my plan, set my intentions and then consider what steps I need to take and what I’m allowing to get in my way to achieving my desires. Starting with a cleansing bath or shower sets up the energies for some simple meditation connecting in with my higher self and looking at what will serve best for the next month.

This month’s questions to consider when setting your intentions are around how you show up.

  • If you allowed yourself to step into your purpose and live a life from your soul what would this look like for you?

  • Thinking about community and helping others what areas of your life could you contribute more in?

  • Where are you being called to serve? What new pathways are opening up for you?

I write my intentions down each month, and although I know it’s often traditional to burn the list once you’ve manifested your dreams, I like to look back and see how far I’ve come and what has changed over the last year, so I tend to keep a year’s worth of journaling and review it at the end of each year.  If you’d like to use my free New Moon Manifestations planner you can download it here.

What do you really want to achieve and are you committed to manifesting it?

(Blog Image Image by Polyg on Pixabay)


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