A fiery Leo Sun meets the Full Moon in Aquarius & Taskmaster Saturn rears his head.

I think it’s fair to say that the energies over the last few days, and indeed this last week have been a bit like riding the back of a fiery dragon. They’ve been pretty intense haven’t they? Starting with the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal on Monday and ending with this months Full Moon tomorrow (Friday) here in the UK, and the closing of the Lion’s Gate Portal for this year. If you're an empath, an introvert or you work with the natural flow of the planet, the seasons and Universal energies you’ve probably really picked up on the energy that's been around. You might have felt quite tired, or headachy, you could have suffered with things like sore throats or bit of feeling ungrounded or disconnected depending on what else is going on in your life and where you are on your spiritual path.

All these energies have afforded us the ideal opportunity to really work with the Universe to create change and shift to a higher purpose and a higher vibration.

The Full Moon rises at 2.35am on the 12th and is opposite the fiery Leo Sun in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is the humanitarian zodiac sign. They're quirky, they can be quite emotionally detached. They tend to be very independent thinkers, and they like to think outside the box, but they are above all concerned with humanitarian pursuits. Combined with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius this Full Moon is likely to find you thinking about where you fit in, where your community and soul group are and how to connect with, work with and indeed raise up that group.

My musings on this start with the practical stuff - the astrological transits and what they mean then further down there’s a channelled message from Merlin (who I’m hugely privileged to be working with at this point in time) about how to use the energies of this Full Moon to your best effect.

Planetary aspects

Tomorrow sees the Sun in Leo opposing the Moon and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius which is in turn T-squared by Mars, Uranus and the North Node in Taurus. But what does this all mean?

As I mentioned Aquarians are humanitarian. They're concerned with the collective and communities, where and how we connect with each other so this particular moon can raise questions as to where we currently are, and where we're heading. And if you're not sure of your path, you're not sure what your path in life is, at the moment it could feel mildly frustrating, particularly if you tend to overthink or analyse things to the nth degree. You might even find it not just frustrating but quite overwhelming as well. Change is part of growth and sometimes our souls know that we're ready for change way before we do. Which can cause a bit of friction in how we feel. On a deeper level we can know that there's something coming but not necessarily what it is. So, because our soul knows and we don't we can feel out of sorts on some level, irritated, tired, unsettled. Saturn as a planet is known as the taskmaster planet, the disciplinarian and is usually seen as the teacher who asks us to step up, to grow up and to take responsibility. Now because it's retrograde in Aquarius, some of the lessons that we're currently learning revolve around only taking on what we can handle and only being responsible for what we can handle, but also using that Aquarian think outside the box brain to find radical and unusual solutions to things.

And with the Sun squaring Uranus, that could also be another indicator of feeling restless with things. Depending on your own natal sign it can also bring on feelings of feeling misjudged, picked on, criticised or even misunderstood. And often in a case where you don't feel it's justified or even correct to have those judgments made or that criticism levelled. at you.

This particular Saturn transit through Aquarius began back in March 2020. Right at the start of all the lock downs here in the UK, and it’s now coming to the end of its time in Aquarius and moves into Pisces next year in March. Saturn itself is a slow-moving planet. It takes around 29 and a half years to orbit the sun, and it spends around two and a half to three years in each zodiac sign. In amongst that it spends about four and a half months each year in retrograde. It's a karmic planet, authoritarian, hardworking and concerned with boundaries, life lessons and maturity. Saturn is very much a reap what we sow planet. This is really the last chance to review and understand the lessons learned since March 2020.

So, what about this this full moon? Aquarian moons are the perfect time to think differently, to look at things differently, to come up with innovative solutions, even actually, to come up with new innovations. They're also a perfect time to step back, reflect and reassess to gain a new perspective on things on your life, on what's happening, but also to share knowledge. Aquarians love sharing knowledge. Ideally, we should be discovering new ways of doing things, particularly regarding anything that's going to help on a humanitarian level. And again, with innovation and technology.

Merlin’s Message

The key to working with this Full Moon is to go slow, to take it steady, to breathe and to reflect before you act. Full Moons are times of intense energy. They are times of releasing and forgiving and then normally times of action as well, times when your energy levels are high, when the universal energy is also high. Its why things tend to happen around full moon times. In this case for this full moon the action is to consider not only what lessons you've learned in the last two and a quarter years, where is your reality now. Consider where and how you or your community has changed? Where do you offer support or value and compassion? And where do you turn when you need that yourself? Where and who are your people? And if you haven't yet found them, where would you find them? If you have how engaged are you in that community? Now I know that the introverts and possibly some of the empaths reading this are silently shouting at me ‘NOOOOO’ the thought of engaging more, of connecting more is horrifying so let me let me set the record straight here. Aquarians are humanitarians, some of them are introverts, most of them are empaths. All of them are really concerned with the planet and most of their inventions and magic are created to help the planet, or to help humanity, rather than the individual. And choosing where and when to put your energy is something that introverts and empaths soon learn; it's one of the reasons that so many are on and off again with social media, gatherings, group situations. But if you find your soul people engaging isn't hard. If you find that community where you can really, truly be who you are, you don't have to wear those masks. You don't have to be anything other than you, then that engagement isn't hard. It isn't a drain. It's a supportive, cherishing, nurturing place to be a place where you're understood, a place where you are accepted for you. So where is that place for you? Who are your people? And how can you grow those connections? If anything, the months since March 2020 have taught humans collectively the value of community and how much we need each other. Turn to your community, build your soul group, support, help and cherish each other - this way magic becomes everyday, energy shifts happen, vibrations are raised and collectively working together creates huge, global shifts.

Full Moon in Aquarius 2022

Working with an Aquarian Full Moon.

The key words that I was given were to pause before reacting, to breathe, to remain grounded. And because of the planetary aspects on where they fall in your natal chart if you find this moon and its energies particularly challenging or frustrating, then stop.

Do some breath work.

Plant your feet firmly on the earth. Preferably barefoot on the grass if possible and feel your connection with the earth. Push those energetic roots out from the soles of your feet down into Mother Earth and really make those roots good, solid connected ones.

Take some time out place one hand on your heart centre. The other hand on your solar plexus. If you don't worry it is your solar plexus is just above your belly button. It's that place in your abdomen where we tend to feel butterflies when we're excited or anxious about anything. Place one hand on your heart centre place the other on your solar plexus and closing your eyes. Just take your energy away from the external environment around you. Take your energy down into your body. Take your energy deep inside and ask yourself why or what it is that's causing the frustration. And is that frustration genuine? Is it something that you can resolve by looking at what's really going on and how it affects everybody concerned? Or is it a possible overreaction? Is it something that's hit a trigger point? Was it something that was said off the cuff and not intended to cause any harm? And can you release it and let it go?

Or is the message that you're getting to change something within you or within your life?

As always, when you're working with the full moon you can

  • use your Tarot or oracle cards to either create a full moon spread or even just pull a single or three cards.

  • charge and energise your crystals.

  • create a crystal grid for releasing of forgiveness and gratitude three things that we traditionally work with under the full moons.

  • write a list of all the things that you need to release and then do some chanting/drumming/affirmations or even some meditation to fully let go of those attachments or habits.

  • make Moon water - making Moon Water is a gorgeous thing to do and you can use it to bathe with or create an Aura/Chakra spray or even a crystal energising/cleansing spray.

  • have a moon bath,

  • simply just sit and Moon gaze or moon bathe but whatever you do, do something where you connect with and take on the energy of the moon goddess on this last day of the Lionsgate portal before it fully closed closes.

Crystals for an Aquarian Full Moon

The crystals I was given to work with this month for an Aquarius Moon but also because the Sun's in Leo. were

  • Aquamarine

  • Turquoise,

  • Smoky Quartz,

  • Rainbow Moonstone.

  • Black Tourmaline

  • Lepidolite

  • Tiger's Eye,

  • Petrified Wood and

  • Golden Apatite.

Don't go too quickly with this Full Moon. Think before you react. And whatever changes you make, whatever it is that you feel you need to act on make sure that it's in your community. You might also want to think about the fact that if you run a community yourself, or you have a community, if you're not 100% in there, if you're not fully engaged or you're not energetically engaged with it it tends to fall apart under an Aquarian Full Moon. But if you are fully engaged, and you are energetically present, and you are there with it, then these are the times when you can really make those communities count, when you can really bring people together. You can connect people together. And by doing that you can facilitate amazing things, you can make amazing things happen, create amazing changes. Whatever you do, stay grounded. Keep your focus on what you need. And think, reflect and calmly discuss before reacting, enjoy the full moon with joy and wonder, she’s looked absolutely awesome this week. Whatever your beautiful mystical rituals are do them with commitment and intention.

Happy releasing, forgiving and as always my gratitude for being here and reading my musings, and a huge thank you to Merlin for sharing his thoughts with me for this blog.


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