Lions Gate 2022 a magical, mystery ride.
Are you ready to power up, elevate your consciousness and be part of a truly magical time in the spiritual calendar?
If you answered yes then now is your chance to work with the Universe, let your inner goddess roar and co-create a powerful new energy because Lion’s Gate is here.
But what is Lion’s Gate and what does it mean for us?
The Lion’s Gate (named because the Sun is in Leo) is a portal which opens every year on the 8th of August (8/8). Astrologically it’s the time when the Sun in Leo lines up with the Earth, Sirius, and Orion’s Gate, which in turn lines up with the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx at Giza. This only happens once a year, and in ancient Egypt the rising of Sirius (to them the most important star in the sky) traditionally denoted the flooding of the Nile bringing in prosperity, fertility, farming, and re-birth.
The alignment of these astrological bodies was often seen by ancients as a New Year, it is, in fact the Galactic New Year (Happy New Year fellow Galactic’s) and creates a portal of power and magic around ascension, growth, and creation. It’s a potent time filled with possibilities and energy.
Whilst the Sun represents masculine energy, our identity, ego, and self; Sirius, the Dog Star, is associated with Divinity, knowledge and power and has been called our ‘Spiritual Sun’. Revered alongside the God Osiris and the Goddess Isis by the Egyptians; seen as the portal to the Heavens/God by ancient Shamans; most cultures see Sirius as a bringer of transformation, spiritual awakening, raised vibrations, increased consciousness, releasing limitations and freedom.
And, of course, the number 8 has its own very special spiritual vibration too (more on that later).
Interestingly Sirius is not just one star, there are two, Sirius A (the Dog Star) and Sirius B which is a little less intensely bright but still part of the constellation Canis Major.
The Royal Sirian Lions themselves are not only master teachers who have as one of their tasks the role of guiding humanity through its evolution and indeed the ascension process, but they also guard the portal itself. One of the reasons we talk about how to work with Lion’s Gate energies is because these two Lions – the Lion of Yesterday and the Lion of Tomorrow protect the portal and decide who can traverse it. This is one of the reasons that we work on staying connected in the present as well as being spiritually aware. Only those with true consciousness and who have the intention, and are actively working on, creating a new way can make this shift. But don’t let those words fill you with dread – you wouldn’t be here reading this if you weren’t coming from a place of consciousness and a desire for a better, more connected soulful world.
Lions Gate 2022
This Lion’s Gate starts today, the 26th, rises to its pinnacle on the 8th and ends on the 12th of August completing a cycle that began back in 1999! Following on from yesterdays ‘Day out of Time’ the cycle also includes a Leo New Moon on the 28/29th of July.
One of the most important aspects of this Lion’s Gate is its connection with the Divine Feminine, bringing in the feminine energies of strength, compassion, kindness, connection, communication, intuition, empathy, love, creativity, patience, nurturing, generosity, healing, forgiveness, acceptance, allowing and being open to receiving as well as giving.
It’s a time of elevated consciousness, raising vibrations and ascension but to focus that growth purely on the 8th of the 8th would be reproachful as the energy is there to connect with right now. Energy ebbs and flows depending on what and where it is needed, to truly benefit from the magic of Lion’s Gate we need to be in the now throughout the whole of the cycle (to be fair we should be living in the now everyday) we need to be fully present and connected with our hearts, focused on the things and people in life that shift our vibrations and working on being that person to others.
Avoid the ‘pull’ of anything that lowers your vibration and drags you back into the energy of fear, doubt, lack or mistrust. Switch off the news, limit or even have a break from social media unless your feed is filled with positive shining posts. Step out of the drama, avoid the negativity, and lift your face to the sun. Focus on light and the energy of your inner Goddess (yes even if you’re a man – divine feminine energy is not just for females).
Portals are about growth, elevation, progression, and upwards movement. This is a time when the energies align, amplify, and activate each other. Let go of anything that is no longer in alignment with your higher purpose and soul’s path. Stop limiting yourself and embrace the freedom of stepping into your own purpose and speaking your own truth. Focus on co-creating with the Universe, connect into the divine feminine energies of Mary Magdalene, Isis, or whichever Goddess you feel called to connect with.
It's a chance to embrace change, to have a good clear out. Unsubscribe from anything that makes you feel yukky when it arrives in your inbox, clean out your social media following or friends, unfollow anyone who drags you into a negative space. Start bringing your consciousness to those things that need to change, what no longer feels aligned or vibrates fully with your path, begin to energetically detach. You might notice waves of feelings, portal energies come and go as shifts happen, the frequencies change as needed from one vibrational role to another. You might be aware of downloading light codes from the Sirian Gateway or feel as if you’re on the edge of a deep dive into some deep, long forgotten esoteric knowledge.
And, of course, all this can come with some physical symptoms as upgrades in vibrations and energy can do. Especially if you are downloading light codes or as the ascension process works through your auric layers into the physical. Some of the most common ascension symptoms are dizziness; headaches (or migraines if the shifts needed are very powerful, or some resistance is felt); tinnitus; tiredness; vivid dreams; insomnia; twitchy legs; digestive issues; hyperactivity; a need for space or alone time; a desire for different foods and of course joint aches.
You can mitigate some of these by opening your auric field (of course first making sure you’re in a safe space to do so); using crystals to help relieve the symptoms and raise your energy or herbs, essential oils, and flower essences. You don’t have to suffer to rise. Meditate, do some breathwork, yoga, walking, grounding/earthing and connect in with your guides, angels, and ascended masters. They, and we, are there to help.
The meaning of 8.
I mentioned earlier that we’d also consider the meaning of the number 8. Astrologically speaking the number 8 is associated with Scorpio and the 8th house, the sign and house of deep conversations, transformation, power, and spirituality.
When we look at the tarot cards 8 is the number of the Major Arcana card Strength – often depicted as a woman sitting or standing with a lion with the sign of the infinity present.
8 is a power number, on its side it becomes the infinity symbol, as a number it signifies wealth, achievement, abundance and both the spiritual and material world. It’s a balancing number falling right before the number 9 denoting completion. On the reverse side 8 can be greedy and manipulative so it’s important to connect in with the positive side of this energy and work with the Universe to create respectful, divine power and abundance.
Working with Lion’s Gate energies for growth.
Stay in your heart space.
You do you. Be you. Stay you. Don’t allow anyone or anything to pull you down into lower vibrations, stay focused on raising your vibrations and connecting with your heart, listening to what you heart needs and wants and stay in the energy of love, compassion, and gratitude.
Connect with the Divine Feminine
Don’t be afraid to openly demonstrate your feminine side, express gratitude, show love and compassion, forgive willingly, use your strength with purpose and integrity, be kind, listen to your intuition, be open to receiving and trust in your inner knowing.
Meditate and connect with Goddess energy, whichever you feel drawn to. If in doubt Mary Magdalene is the perfect one to begin working with.
Be open to energetic shifts
When you start to co-create with the Universe you enter a world where shifts happen, sometimes with unbelievable speed. You begin to be aware that every thought has a vibration and that your thoughts do create your reality. Watch where your thoughts go, be aware of when you need to retract and rethink. Co-creating is powerful stuff and what better time to work on manifesting your dreams than right now when the energy is there to lift and support you?
Unleash your inner lion
Lions Gate happens during Leo season. We all have Leo somewhere in our chart, maybe it’s time to get in touch with your inner lion, be creative, expressive, have fun, rest, relax, accept what you can’t change, be social when you feel like it, retreat, and rest when you need to. Leos are courageous, strong, generous, love to love and are natural leaders – which part of Leo do you need to release into your world?
This is such a magical, wonderful time to really connect into your soul, to show your spiritual side to the world, to raise your energies, bring out your inner goddess and let those who know you be surprised!