Spiritual Coach and Visionary

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Signature Oils

Have you ever stopped to think why you have a favourite flower, or a scent you love, or why in a box of essential oils there’s one that stands out as your ‘special’ oil? Have you looked at your favourite flower in detail, what colour is it? Is it small and petite or big and blousy? Is it lightly scented or heady and fragrant? How many petals does it have? What are the shapes of the leaves and petals? What season does it bloom in? And does your preferred perfume have a similar fragrance?

We all have a signature oil. An oil which connects to us on a deep, soul level. One that when we open the bottle, we instinctively close our eyes and inhale slowly, intensifying the moment when we breathe in and the aroma travels from our nose, through our olfactory centre to our heart and then even deeper to our soul.

This oil holds countless memories carried through lifetimes of connections. It connects us back with ourselves at a soul level. Our true, inner being. When we smell it, it brings us what we need, whether that be peace, love, comfort, lightness, relief or rest. Somewhere in your aromatic box is this oil.

For my lovely friend Sylvia as long as I’ve known her that oil has been Neroli. The queen of citrus oils. That beautiful but delicate, honeyed scent brings Sylvia a sense of being held and nurtured. It provides a space where harmony resides, a sanctuary of balance, of comfort but also of structure and order. And if you look at the orange blossom it has 5 white petals with big glossy deep green leaves. It’s usually harvested in late spring (late April/early May). Its aroma is sweet and floral but with a spicy, refreshing side, it’s very distinctive and easily recognisable. 

If we look at its signature the number 5 can be found throughout nature, we have 5 elements, 5 senses, 5 fingers etc. in numerology 5 represents the number of humanity. It’s a sensory number, symbolically it has a strong feminine side but with masculine undertones – perhaps this is why we find Neroli used in both perfumes and aftershaves. If we take it further the fifth Tarot card is the Hierophant, humanity, learning, tradition and convention; maybe this is why it brings Sylvia structure and order. Incidentally she’s also had a great career as a therapy teacher which fits perfectly with the Hierophant. It’s the zodiac sign Leo, fiery, strong, independent but big hearted, open and trusting. The number 5 is about learning and evolving. Understanding the messages. Of variety and change.

The colour white represents innocence, purity, cleanliness and simplicity. The colour of perfection. All colours are held within white, it’s one of the highest colours spiritually. It’s a positive, safe colour which when balanced with the deep green of those glossy leaves creates balance and harmony. A sense of openness, of restfulness and safety.

In knowing the personality of Neroli you can begin to see why this oil brings harmony, balance, comfort and order for Sylvia. In tuning into the heart of the plant and its scent we can see the heart too of Sylvia. Open, positive, trusting, giving, nurturing, warm with a pep of spice (she loves a good laugh does our Sylvia) Neroli is the perfect oil for her.

So, think about your favourite oil. What messages does it carry? What does it bring you and why do you need that?