Gemini New Moon and a Solar Eclipse - destiny calls.

What is a New Moon all about?

New Moons are the start of the Lunar cycle and usually they are a time to be quiet, reflect, think rather than act, to consider where we’ve been, how far we’ve come and where we want our next steps to be. New Moons are times to plant new seeds, set intentions, dare to wish and to dream about the life we want to live. Times for thinking about where we need to grow and what direction we should be moving in. And whilst we can’t see the moon at this time we can still work with her magic and use these dark hours before she begins to slowly cast her silvery light in the night sky again.

Because we’re still in the eclipse season you might find it helpful to look back to last month’s new moon, then to the recent full moon and see what’s changed for you. Or go even further back to 6 months ago. Not only is it good to look back and see how far you’ve come but also to refocus the intentions you set 6 months ago that you still want to manifest. Ask yourself questions such as:

-      What have you decided is no longer working for you?

-      What have you tried and ditched?

-      What message is your higher self telling you?

-      Has your way forward become clearer?

-      Have there been any endings as well as beginnings?

This particular new moon eclipse energies actually takes us back 19 years ago, if you really want to look at how far you’ve come, or what’s changed think back to 2003, where were you, what were you doing, who were you with, what obstacles or lessons were coming up for you and have they reared their head again recently?

A Gemini New Moon.

This month’s new moon falls under the intellectual, curious, and communicative sign of Gemini, the twins of the Zodiac. It also combines with an annular Solar Eclipse known as a ‘Ring of Fire’ where the centre of the Sun is hidden from us by the shadow of the Moon but, because of the size difference, it leaves a glowing outer ring of light. And this time most of Northern Europe, America and Asia will see this. In addition, we still have Mercury retrograde and as the ruling planet for Gemini this can mean confusion rather than clear communication. In the UK our new moon occurs at 11.52am, but as always if you can’t manage it on the actual day, you can still work with the energies for the next 48 hours, I often find it more powerful to set my intentions after the new moon, usually the next day if it’s very late in the evening or early morning. Occurring at almost midday gives us plenty of time to focus on intention setting and clarifying what we really want to create.

Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse.

This solar eclipse, bringing a conclusion to this eclipse season, is a North Node one meaning it’s all about our destiny. Married to Gemini this could raise questions about whether or not we are living in alignment with our soul plan. And whilst eclipses affect us all individually this one also impacts globally. Not only can a good percentage of the globe see and experience this but one of the messages it brings is to consider how we want to live collectively. What does our future as a race, the future of the planet and the animal and plant kingdoms we share it with look like? What are we creating? What and how do we want to live? And more importantly what can we do together to heal our planet and create a better, safer world for all who share this Earth. How can we create a world that connects us all, human, animal, bird, all nature, and the planet herself? This extends not only to the actions we take, but because this is Gemini season to the thoughts we have and the words we speak. We’re reminded to think before taking action, to consider how we can stand up and make a difference both individually and collectively. Thoughts, words, and deeds all have power, they need to be in alignment to be effective.

With Mercury, the messenger planet, ruling Gemini it opens the door to all things communicative, Gemini is intellectual, curious and loves communicating but what about the unspoken signals. The silent communication that we have with each other, or with our higher selves. All forms of communication are highlighted under this new moon and with Mercury joining Pluto and Saturn in retrograde it might be that you find yourself suffering from a little brain fog or mental confusion. Make time to really look at what is being communicated and to make sure that what you are communicating is really the message you want transmitting. Communication is not just about what we say, when we listen, but the words we use, the tone, the silences, the pauses, and the unspoken messages we send. It’s about how we express ourselves verbally, bodily, and even down to communication between our higher selves. It’s also about the stories we tell ourselves. The choices about what we’re reading or listening to. The sources of news and articles.

It’s about really listening, about not jumping to conclusions. It’s easy to misconstrue someone’s silence as disinterest or lack of concern instead of considering that they may just need time to find the right answer, or may have their own stuff going on right now. Or maybe with the rollercoaster that we’re presently all riding it might just be that it’s a step too far and something they can’t deal with right now.

Take your time.

Under eclipse energies that confusion almost cries out that we take things slowly and make time to think rather than rush in where angels fear to tread. As with the recent full moon listen to your intuition – it will be stronger than usual right now and you would be wise to make good use of it. If you have questions or doubts connect in with your higher self or use your spiritual tools to check in and see what the message is. If it feels wrong listen to your guidance, look out for messages and signals from the Universe, take note of what nudges your intuition gives you.

And fact check. Don’t take as gospel everything you read or hear. Check before you share news or posts and ponder if it serves a purpose to do so. Let’s consider what we’re reading and listening to. There are a lot of stories out there at the moment and we need discernment to read through to the real truth of the matter rather than taking things at face value. It’s good to question, to think about the real intent behind the words, the unspoken messages being sent, the unintentional messages. It’s important to watch where the information comes from – is it a safe and reliable source? To be careful what we share and where. And, of course to access our higher information where we can. Because after all that’s where our truth resides. 

If you do feel that Mercury energy is causing some brain fog or mental confusion maybe press the pause button and wait for some clarity to come back. Just because all this energy feels immense doesn’t mean we need to rush at things. Stop, breath, reconnect and relax. There’s time. 

Ask yourself some of the bigger questions whilst the eclipse energies are still present – what have you learned about yourself, your path, your soul purpose, your habits, behaviours and beliefs over the last few weeks, the last 6 months, or even the last 19 years.

So, whilst new moons are usually quiet and reflective, you’ll have to make that happen this time around, this new moon is a busy one. Emails, letters, direct messages, phone calls etc, whatever your choice of technology is you’ll probably find your inbox full. You could find your diary filling up – Gemini is one of the social signs and you may find lots of invitations winging your way. A gentle reminder though whilst Mercury is still causing mischief take time to consider your responses, keep an open mind and above all trust your intuition – if something feels off it probably is. Words can easily become jumbled, messages can be confusing or misconstrued, and, as it’s a new moon so a dark moon things can be hidden.

Key words are caution, self-courage, self-belief, honesty (in all dealings) and considered thought before action.

New Moon in Gemini Eclipse Season

Setting Intentions

As with all new moons when you’re working with setting intentions think about what you do want to create, not what you don’t. Lean into what feelings this brings up, then use that Gemini intellect and curiosity to ask yourself what these feelings are showing you, are they real or are they masking other, deeper feelings. Look at where your thoughts are coming from, and the language you use with yourself. Do you think and speak from a place of confidence and belief, from strength of purpose and positive connection or from a place of insecurity, doubt, and fear? What can you do to change this? Could this be one of the intentions you set under this communication charged new moon?

If you need to speak to others, to clear the air or set the record straight it’s probably a good idea to think about what you truly want to say first – plan out your side of the conversation, make a list of the points you want to get across so that you can communicate your thoughts and feelings in a cool, calm but compassionate way rather than a reactive and overly emotive way.

Setting intentions is a wonderful way of getting clear on your path. Thinking about where you want to be helps to create a plan, helps you see the steps you need to take to bring your plan to fruition. Under a Gemini new moon you might want to think outside the box when making your plan, open your mind and consider new ways of doing things, have the confidence to try new ideas, new ways and look at letting go of old habits, behaviours and even some beliefs to allow a different way of seeing to occur. Meditate on your intentions, visualise them, draw or doodle, create a vision board, state your intentions out loud or use my intention planner to help you really get focused.

When you’re working with manifestation or intention setting it’s really important to work on what you want to achieve rather than what you want to avoid or don’t want to feel. Remember that this energy is one of working with getting what you want and if you focus on what you don’t want this is what you’re inviting in.

Gemini New Moon Crystals

Crystals are a great way of connecting in with the energies, particularly if you’re meditating. I usually pick the crystals that work with amplifying or calming the energy and helping to manifest what I’ve chosen to work with. This time I’ve chosen Labradorite for manifesting goals but also for its calming and balancing energy (especially is fear or doubt is creeping in) and for expanding conscious awareness and trusting our intuition. I also love it as the shades of colour in labradorite always reminds me of the night sky. On my crystal grid there’ll also be Sodalite for clarity and communication, Amethyst for intellectual thought and head clearing plus aiding that connection with our higher self and Blue Kyanite to work with the amethyst in holding that connection and improving communication and understanding what it being communicated.

If you do find it a little overwhelming try and keep yourself grounded and clear – go for a long walk or swim, connect back in with nature, meditate, exercise, do some yoga – anything that connects you back in with your humanness, your body, and your energy. Ideally any intentions you are working with should be intellectual rather than material this month. If you find your head is swimming with ideas write them down, brain dump onto paper or pc. Chances are you won’t end up using them all but there will be some gems in there. Express yourself, open your heart and mind to new ways and new possibilities, and listen to your intuition.

Working with Lunar Energies

There are numerous ways of working with the energy of a new moon. You can:

·      Begin with a cleansing salt bath and cleansing essential oils such as Juniper Berry, Pine, Ylang-ylang, or Spruce (remember to make sure these are in a dispersible base, using neat essential oils in a bath can cause skin irritation and burns).

·      Create your own sacred altar with crystals, oracle cards, power words, images, flowers, moons, and symbols.

·      Write down your intentions (you’ll find my free downloadable pdf here).

·      Draw or doodle how you see your plan, using your right brain works on an intuitive level to really see what you want.

·      Create a vision board. Vision boards are great ways to start a new year, and under this new moon is an ideal time to create one if you haven’t already.

My favourite way of working with new moons is to map out my plan, set my intentions and then consider what steps I need to take and what I’m allowing to get in my way to achieving my desires. Starting with a cleansing bath or shower sets up the energies for some simple meditation connecting in with my higher self and looking at what will serve best for the next month. A crystal grid focusses my energy on what I’m working with and then creating a vision board or writing out my intentions brings them to the front of my mind and allows me to easily and quickly re-focus on them when I need to.

Make that manifesting magic work, enjoy your intention setting ritual and now and again check in to make sure you’re still on track with your plan. I believe in you, believe in yourself too.


A practical, grounded time for healing - Virgo New Moon rising.


A Full Blood Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius