New Moon in Taurus – time for some self-care and me time
This month’s new moon arrives at 19.59pm tonight on the 11th of March in the sign of Taurus, heralding in the build-up to eclipse season and a lot of energy throughout the rest of May and into June.
Whilst new moons don’t seem as exciting as full moons, they are the starting point of the Lunar Cycle, and are really wonderful times as it’s when we get to decide where we want to focus our energies and what we want to manifest over the next few weeks or more. This is the time to plan, to set out what we want to achieve, to dare to dream. It’s also a great time for doing shadow work as a new moon is a time of hidden secrets before moving into the revealing full illumination of the full moon.
May sees the arrival of eclipse season with a few planets either retrograde or heading into retrograde. Pluto, lord of the Underworld is stationed retrograde until early October and later this month we have Saturn, the taskmaster retrograding along with Mercury the winged messenger, so lots of high-level energies around this month and into June.
Rising under the sign of Taurus this moon brings a message of self-care. Being a fixed earth sign Taureans are grounded but sensual. They love to be comfortable, to be surrounded by luxurious textiles and home comforts, fine wines, good food and things which stimulate all the senses. Self-care is a must for Taureans. But, because Taurus is a money ruler, they need to know that they have the finances in place to allow this indulgence, and they’re not afraid of working hard to achieve that security.
As a Fixed signs Taurus is stable and, as an earth sign loves nature, maybe it’s appropriate that this new moon occurs during Mental Health Awareness week here in the UK where the focus is on taking time in nature to help keep us mentally strong and safe. Taurus is patient but methodical and reliable, but under its home planet of Venus that sensual, pleasure-loving part is readily available for fun.
This particular new moon asks us to slow down, to relax a little and enjoy life’s pleasures, to make time for some self-care and focus on our inner wellbeing. To look at what we value, what truly matters to us and where we might be controlled by material ‘stuff’ or, to consider areas where we might have become a little demotivated, a bit stuck in a rut. Are you comparing what you have to others? Do you feel that you don’t have enough, or what you have got doesn’t bring you joy? What things do you have that do bring you joy? Let’s be really down to earth honest here, money is simply energy. If money matters to you, why does it matter? What is it you connect into when you think about finance? Is it abundance or lack?
This new moon in Taurus is about reality, about creating something with substance, whatever intentions you want to set remember to include some time for self-care, and make sure your intentions are for your highest purpose. Sowing those intentional seeds to grow your dreams over the next few weeks matters, some of them won’t come to fruition until the time of the next Taurean Full Moon in November. If there are things you’ve been working on or wanting to set in motion now is the time to do it. Make sure your intentions come from your heart. Manifesting magic occurs when it’s deeply heartfelt and purposeful. Really work on ‘seeing’ and ‘feeling’ yourself already having that reality – what does it feel like to live that life, have that business, be with that partner? Write down, draw, create a vision board or a Pinterest board of things that set out those intentions but allow yourself to feel you’ve already got it. Use that grounded, reliable, methodical but sensual Taurean energy to think about the steps you need to take to achieve those intentions, to realise that dream. Meditate on it, visualise it, state your intentions out loud or use my intention planner to help you really get focused.
New Moons are times to consider what we want to manifest over the next month. If you can’t manage it on the actual day, you can still work with the energies for the next 48 hours, I often find it more powerful to set my intentions after the void moon, usually the next day if it’s very late in the evening or early morning.
When you’re working with manifestation or intention setting it’s really important to work on what you want to achieve rather than what you want to avoid or don’t want to feel. Remember that this energy is one of working with getting what you want and if you focus on what you don’t want this is what you’re inviting in.
Work with this Taurean energy to really think about how you can improve your self-care routine, pay attention to where you’ve become demotivated and take a good honest look at your finances. Where do you need to make changes and what steps do you need to put in place to start manifesting those shifts?
There are numerous ways of working with the energy of a new moon. You can:
Begin with a cleansing salt bath and cleansing essential oils such as Juniper Berry, Pine, Ylang-ylang or Spruce (remember to make sure these are in a dispersible base, using neat essential oils in a bath can cause skin irritation and burns).
Create your own sacred altar with crystals, oracle cards, power words, images, flowers, moons and symbols.
Write down your intentions (you’ll find my free downloadable pdf here).
Draw or doodle how you see your plan, using your right brain works on an intuitive level to really see what you want.
Create a vision board. Vision boards are great ways to start a new year, and under this new moon is an ideal time to create one if you haven’t already.
My favourite way of working with new moons is to map out my plan, set my intentions and then consider what steps I need to take and what I’m allowing to get in my way to achieving my desires. Starting with a cleansing bath or shower sets up the energies for some simple meditation connecting in with my higher self and looking at what will serve best for the next month.
This month’s questions to consider when setting your intentions are around what you can improve:
What position are my finances in, am I making the best use of what I have? Take a look at savings, pensions, investments, bills and make a financial plan. And, if like a lot of us this last year has really hit your finances hard, what can you do to create more abundance in your life and what steps do you need to take to earn that?
Where do you make time for self-care, what does that look like to you? How can you improve on it?
What do you truly value in your life, list the things you value and ask yourself if you are living in alignment with those values? If not, or not fully, what can you do to change this?
What can you do to bring some comfort, luxury and relaxation or pleasure into your life? Now is a good time to book a massage or indulge in a spa session (even if it is a home based one), to get some gorgeous new bedding, or new lingerie, go out for a meal (weather permitting) think about how you can engage your senses.
Take it slow and steady, make time to think about your plans and whether you really, honestly want this. Taurus can be stubborn and, at times, lazy – are you using this as an excuse not to do the work? Don’t make intentions that don’t fill you with passion and purpose, working towards a dream, no matter what size, needs commitment and you can’t commit to something you aren’t prepared to go all in for.
Make that manifesting magic work, enjoy your intention setting ritual and now and again check in to make sure you’re still on track with your plan. I believe in you, believe in yourself too.