New Moon Manifesting - dig deep with Scorpio's Transformational Energies
Whilst we can’t see and enjoy the majesty of the Moon today, we can still work with the amazing energies that a New Moon creates. This month’s New Moon is in Scorpio and is inviting us to dive deep into our inner worlds, to look at our emotions, our fears and our self-limiting beliefs.
We’re all great at allowing that little voice to tell us we’re not good enough, or we couldn’t possibly achieve that, or who are we to think we can. And, if we stop and listen long enough that little voice can prevent us from living our ideal and best life.
There’s a wonderful quote from the awesome Marianne Williamson about daring to live your best life that perfectly sums up today’s new moon energies. It’s time to stop saying we can’t and face our fears, to dare to dream of a life that we would enjoy living. To set our intentions to make those dreams a reality.
Scorpio New Moons are transformational times, what we start to work on today will come to completion in the next Scorpio Full Moon in May 2020. So, we have time to take whatever small steps are needed to make those dreams a reality. Scorpio calls us to gaze into the abyss of our fears, to examine our beliefs, to uncover buried feelings, and that can be a little scary for most of us. We can hide so easily behind being busy or wearing masks of happiness or at least everything’s ok faces that we not only convince others but sometimes convince ourselves too.
By taking a little time, by looking inwards and doing some self-reflection we can dare to bring up those hidden feelings, those fears and doubts, those self-limiting beliefs to the surface and we can dare to change.
Considering what needs transforming in our lives allows us to begin the process of transformation. Once you’ve faced it you can’t return to what was hidden. You can choose to re-hide it, but you’ll know it’s there. Instead choose to face yourself. Work with these wonderfully transformative energies. Write or draw out your goals and intentions, even if they come with baby steps. Set the plan in place.
Working with New Moon manifestation energies is amazing but the one thing I’ve found over many years is that you have to work from your heart not your head. You can ask for anything as long as you are doing it with the right, heart-centred intentions.
This New Moon has come in with strong energies, strong desires to shift and change. And it might be that something happens that causes you to have to shift. Some event or news, whether personal or global that hits you at your core. Whatever this New Moon brings up for you keep in mind the bigger picture, don’t get bogged down with trivialities. Be prepared to look at things from a new perspective and shift your focus from old patterns of behaviour. Don’t hide from your emotions, deep changes can bring up deep emotions such as feeling overwhelmed, anxious, angry or a sense of injustice. You might, hopefully find that once you’ve worked through those emotions what’s left is a sense of relief, of letting go and of seeing things clearly. Listen to your heart during transformational times - what is it saying to you. Let go of ego, let go of fear and listen to your higher self. The self that knows what you need to change, the self that is asking you to make those shifts, to create the change, to rise like a phoenix from the ashes, cleansed and transformed.
Keep going, keep transforming, keep being honest with yourself. Recognise how you feel, Scorpio is a Water Sign so feelings can be fluid or turbulent depending on what is happening within and around you.
Keep your head about you, listen to your heart and being setting your intentions for the reality you want to create.
I’ll leave you with those perfect words for today’s energies….
“Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.” Marianne Williamson