A Supermoon in Libra needs balanced consideration.
Full Moon in Libra – time to heal relationships.
This weekend’s Full Moon is in the balanced, harmonious sign of Libra opposite the Sun, Venus and Chiron in the frank, honest sign of Aries. This is our first full moon of the new astrological year and is also the first of four consecutive supermoons.
Supermoons happen when a full moon is at her closest to Earth and they tend to look huge, if, like me, you really want to capture a good photo of a full moon supermoons are the ideal opportunity.
A full moon in March is called a Worm Moon because it this is the time when earthworms appear as the soil warms up under the Spring sunshine, this month’s Moon is therefore known as a Super Worm Moon. Don’t you just love these names! Other names are a Full Crow Moon or a Full Crust Moon.
This one is all about our relationships. Whether our partners, family, friends or work the focus over the next week is all about relationships and a chance to heal deep wounds. The Sun and Venus are joined by Chiron, the wounded healer in Aries opposing the moon in Libra. Chiron is a fascinating subject in itself, more on that in future blogs.
As we’ve discussed before the Moon represents your inner self and the Sun your outer self, and this one is asking you to take a deep, honest look at your relationships, what went wrong, where there are wounds and if and can you heal them. Libra likes a balanced, compromised approach without conflict, Aries is authentic and can be honest to the point of being blunt. You might feel a pull between your needs and the needs of the other person, between dependence and independence, authenticity or diplomacy, going it alone or companionship. Either way it’s a great time for receiving guidance on what needs to happen to repair relationships.
But it’s not always that easy, is it? Having your eyes wide open does not always mean your heart is also wide open, especially if you’ve been deeply hurt. You might know the right thing to do, but doing it is a whole other thing. Under this full moon we’re growing and learning about what really matters to us. Balanced with a considered approach we can really move forwards in changing, healing and deepening our relationships of choice, or walking away.
Chiron plays a big part here too, especially if there are any karmic wounds. Deep and painful these usually relate to a mother/sister/lover wound, a close, intimate relationship. You may see this wound with new eyes and instinctively know how to heal it; or you may find yourself feeling further damaged or victimised. Sensitivity to all emotions is heightened under a full moon. The best way to use this energy is to listen, consider and gain understanding from those painful lessons that relationships can give us. Growth is so possible right now, but you have to make the choice to work with it.
This moon rises later on Sunday at 7.48pm, so you have plenty of time during the day to work with the lunar energy and do any forgiveness or releasing that needs to be done. When full moons are about relationships and it’s difficult to approach the other person, I like to write a letter to them, getting out all the emotions, all the pain, any blame or rejection that you might have felt and then burn it with forgiveness and acceptance. Even nicer is if you can then have a chat with your guides or angels and ask them to have a talk with the guides and angels of the other soul with a view to healing and moving on, however that might look.
Full Moons are traditionally times of forgiveness and release. Time to let go of burdens that no longer serve us, and sometimes that might mean letting go of people too or having a good clear out. They are perfect for working with forgiveness whether of ourselves or of others and this moon with its focus on healing relationships allows you to go deeper and truly work on forgiving by seeing things you might not have noticed before about the situation or external forces that were in play.
This full moon therefore means it’s time to take a good, honest look at the relationships that really matter to us, to use those Libran traits of balance and compromise to see where we can make changes, to use the Arian honesty, loyalty and authenticity to see what’s really going on, what the true position is and decide on whether we want to heal and repair the relationship, or heal, forgive and let go. Either way work with the energy of forgiveness, for both of you. And don’t forget it can also be work relationships that need the work doing on. Relationships at work can affect our home life as well as vice versa, and especially at the moment when many of us are working from home. Look at what you want as well as what you need, Aries is about Self, Libra is about Other under this moon. Be aware of relationships that demand of you or drain your energy. Relationships can be highly toxic too. Listen to your inner voice, journey, meditate or journal on what comes up, pay specific attention to messages that come to you in dreams.
Let go of what you need to, heal what you can, make the most of working with these especially healing energies, relationships matter so much to us as humans, take some time to work on yours this weekend.
There are numerous ways of working with the energy of a full moon to make sure you make the most of that gorgeous releasing and forgiving energy. You can:
Charge your crystals. Don’t forget to cleanse them first then leave them under the gorgeous glow of Lady Lunar to be recharged and ready to work again.
Use your Oracle Cards to guide you if you’re not sure of what you need to release or forgive.
Write a letter to the person you wish to forgive then burn or bury it whilst holding the energy of forgiveness in your heart and affirming to yourself that you fully forgive.
Open your heart to allow full releasing and forgiveness to happen.
Use a cord cutting meditation with Archangel Michael if you are struggling to release those bonds connecting you to that person, memory or place.
Moon bathe – yes, it really is a thing
Work with moon crystals such as Moonstone, Selenite, Celestite or
Have a forgiveness bath with your favourite releasing and self-love scents. Aromas such as Rose, Geranium, Lavender, Frankincense, Neroli or Jasmine are great ones to use for Full Moon baths.
Make some Moon water – again, yes, it’s a thing and it’s beautiful. Place a jar or bottle of water under the light of the moon. You can put a crystal in the water and charge it with an intention by holding it and speaking your intention aloud. Place it on a reiki symbol or other positive, loving symbol that speaks to you and let the light of the moon charge the water with her magical energy. Make sure you put a label on the bottle if using it to create essences with as each full moon brings her own energy. If you’re not planning on drinking it but using it for ritual work include some fresh herbs or flowers in the water for the energy you wish to manifest.
Full moon energy is magical, embrace it even if you simply just like lying and staring at the moon. There’s something very special about a full moon that calls to the mystic inside all of us. And, if you’re really lucky and we get a clear night you might just get that really special photo you’ve been dreaming of.