Lunar Eclipses and Astrological Magic

We’re kicking off this new year in style astrologically speaking this week. In fact, we’re in for an interesting ride this month astrologically beginning with the Full Moon penumbral eclipse on Friday at 19.21. And because this lunar eclipse is in the water sign of Cancer it’s all about emotions mixed in with releasing, forgiveness, and the chance to shift and turn things around. It’s providing a wonderful opportunity to release all the emotions of 2019, and if like me you found 2019 to be a real roller coaster ride then you’ll be glad of the chance to finally say goodbye. By looking at what we experienced, what we learned, what emotions we felt (especially the really deep ones) we can work with the energies to allow ourselves understanding, healing and forgiveness and through that finally release.

Lunar eclipses are always about releasing and shifts. It’s a great opportunity to really let go of something you might have been holding on to for too long. It’s not always an easy thing to do, so taking the chance to do so whilst the energies and the skies support you seems like too good an opportunity to miss.

Eclipses used to be seen as messengers of doom. Times when the sky went dark, and the gods were angry. However, eclipses are powerful directional pointers allowing us to let go of what no longer serves us and to step onto our rightful paths, even if at times that path might surprise you and be different to where you imagined you’d be walking. They can have the effect of illuminating truths that we need to see to allow our soul to grow. The flip side of eclipses is that of the ‘hidden’. After all eclipses themselves hide the moon or sun and they can have the effect of allowing us to hide from things we might not want to see. It’s a time to be really honest with ourselves and not allow ourselves to hide behind excuses. But you might also want to hold back on any important decisions until after the Full Moon energies have passed and things begin to settle, lunar speaking anyway.

If you follow astrology, you’ll know that this year doesn’t really begin to kick in until Friday when the energies clear out the remains of 2019 and move us into this fascinating 2020. Following the Full Moon on January 12th is the rare Saturn - Pluto conjunction (more on that further on).

This Full Moon is a Wolf Moon but probably the most interesting part is the penumbral eclipse, penumbral eclipses are subtle ones and are usually seen as a slight shading or shadow on the left-hand side of the moon. We’re fortunate in the UK in that we should be able to see it sometime overnight Friday evening to Saturday morning, clouds permitting.

So, what does this all mean for us? Well Cancer Full Moons are emotional ones; heightened sensitivities can be experienced, and things can get a little overwhelming if we let them. Emotional releases can take the form of tears but also of frustration and irritability so don’t be pulled into someone else’s drama whilst the energies are high. You’ll have more than enough going on coping with your own releases. Plus, heightened emotions can lead to communication issues and it’s even more important that care is taken over reactions.

Now because Cancer rules the heart it makes this even more of an emotional time, but also a perfect time for healing heart issues. Allow your heart to open wide, to experience the emotions and let the healing begin. The main theme for this full moon is that of Forgiveness, of others but also of ourselves. Cancer is also the sign that concerns itself with the home, with family and relationships within the family but also possibly of where we feel at home, and what exactly home means to us. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself working on healing family issues or setting firmer boundaries with our loved ones. Take care in how you communicate and what words you use. Speak from your heart but with compassion and forgiveness and try not to fall into the trap of just reacting. Take a few deep breaths and think before you speak, and you should avoid any miscommunications hopefully.

Work on releasing old attachments, issues and relationships, work on forgiveness and healing and you’ll be riding high on the lunar energies and allowing your soul to follow on its rightful journey. Fight against any releases and the only person missing out will be you, life is hard enough sometimes and that’s why I love working with lunar energies and the specific full/new moons.

Full Moon in Cancer

I mentioned earlier that following the full moon is a rare conjunction between Saturn and Pluto on the 12th of January. Saturn is the old man of the planets, the planet of karma. He is seen as a stern and somewhat cold father figure, authoritarian and quite strict. On the other hand, Saturn is the worker planet, ambitious, hardworking, loyal, steadfast, and trustworthy. Saturn helps us to put in place strong and healthy boundaries, it’s the planet that keeps us going through life’s upheavals and challenges, one of strength and purpose. Pluto is the planet of transformation, of death and rebirth, of understanding life’s lessons and when they come together, they seriously kick ass. We could just be seeing the start of a new dawning. Watch out for a bumpy ride but keep with you the knowledge that this is a karmic transformation, one which is needed for the future of all but especially our home planet. Mother Earth is crying out for help but don’t underestimate her, she is more than capable of flicking us off her back if necessary. A conjunction between these two planets is a chance to transform to new levels of consciousness and light, to new soul understandings and to new ways of living. When we work from a place of love rather than power then we work with the higher energies and help to build a sustainable future. One thing is sure, it’s going to be interesting watching how this plays out on the global stage. I’m hoping that the rumblings going on around the planet at the moment are not a forewarning of how change might occur. We all have the chance now to affect positive, long-lasting change, let’s hope we grab that opportunity and run with it. Personally, any intentions you set, or plans you put in place around this time will not just be for this year but for the next 5 years. Set your intentions with purposeful thought, what do you truly want your life to look like, what are you really wanting to manifest? Now is your chance.

So, as I mentioned there’s a lot happening this month, in fact this year. It’s a wonderful opportunity we are standing in front of you. Choose the door that calls you, walk your soul path and, in the words of Tolkien

“take the hidden paths that run
Towards the Moon or the Sun” (Lord of the Rings)

Have a wonderful lunar eclipse.


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