A Sagittarian New Moon - Your higher consciousness is calling.

Tonight’s dark moon falls under the sign of Sagittarius, calling us to connect with and listen to our Higher Selves. It asks us to be aware of our higher consciousness and heed the messages sent. Reminding us of our purpose, our soul passions, our truths. Reminding us to trust in the magic of the journey and know that if we stop and reflect on the lessons and the understandings, if we follow our intuition then deep down, we know that we’re walking on our path in the right direction.

Now is a great time to take that leap of faith and dare to do the thing you’ve been dreaming of. To make the move, to start that business, to make those changes you’ve been considering.

Take some time to reflect back on this year so far, and how much growth you’ve experienced. Think about where and how you’ve grown. Acknowledge your journey - the highs and the lows because each one has brought you to this place. 2020 heralds in more changes as we move into a new decade and a new energy. But right now, we have a chance to work from our soul, to fulfil our true purpose.

Sagittarius New Moon

We need to stop and consider though what that means. All too often I see beautiful souls becoming caught up in the search for their purpose, forgetting that purpose doesn’t have to be something huge or major. It could be that you’ve agreed to bring that soul into the world, or to work with that person, to say certain words to a specific soul at that exact point in time that it will remind them of who they are. It doesn’t have to mean that you’ll be the next Deepak Chopra or Oprah Winfrey. It does mean that you just need to be you. We can spend so much time and energy searching for our purpose that we forget to live in the present. And right here and now really that’s all we can do.

Use the energy of this New Moon to connect in with your inner guidance and wisdom. To look for the answers within rather than without. Sagittarius is an adventurous sign with a deep need to pursue knowledge. Freedom seeking and unafraid of change Sagittarians are magnetic and amusing but won’t tolerate any bullshit. And this New Moon asks you to be unafraid, adventurous and honest with yourself.

This dark moon is calling us to listen to our higher selves and to set our intentions for not only the next lunar month but also for the rest of this year, and the end of this decade. What do you want to happen? How can you achieve your dreams? Think about the words and the energy you’re using when you create and set your intentions tonight. Be clear and specific and dare to dream.

You’re worth it!


Lunar Eclipses and Astrological Magic


In Gratitude and Celebration