In Gratitude and Celebration
Sat here this morning writing a post for my other business, Aroma-Bees, about celebrating our birthday of our first year in business and I had the realisation that November is a really significant month in business for me.
It seems that in November each decade my soul decides it’s time for a new challenge to arise and over the last 3 decades I’ve birthed 3 businesses, each one in November.
How often do we take our successes for granted and yet beat ourselves up over our failures? Dismiss the compliments but stress over the smallest criticism.
In looking back over the last 21 years, and this year in particular it’s so obvious how much growth has happened. Sometimes we don’t see how much because it happens in small, unnoticed steps along the way.
From those first moments of learning about massage and energy work, to understanding about how we are all connected, to finding my home, my people and my soul work it’s been an extraordinary and interesting journey. And it’s taken 21 years to realise that.
Have you ever allowed yourself to stop and reflect on where you are now and how far you’ve come?
Life is a fascinating journey with an ever-changing landscape. Bumps in the road, mountains to climb, obstacles to navigate, not to mention decisions to be made at those all too often reached crossroads. Which way to go next. Where will it take us? Who will we meet along the way?
I count myself so fortunate in the souls I’ve met and connected with, no matter how long or short our journey together may be. Travelling companions can make or break a journey and it’s just as true for a spiritual journey as a physical one. Choosing the spiritual path is not always an easy one. It can be lonely, at times quite dark, transformation of the soul happens during challenging as well as happy times and sometimes our challenges are there specifically to allow us to grow. The answer is in acknowledging them and working with rather than battling through them.
This year has been a whirlwind of busy-ness, of new connections, of instigating changes which will take full effect in 2020, of finding myself as I emerge from the learnings and understandings that came with 2017/18. Of many, many realisations about my beliefs, my strengths as well as weaknesses, my purpose and my soul. My landscape changed significantly last year. 2017/18 is definitely going down as one of my most transformative and painful years. But, oh how the lessons have served me well.
So, it’s with much heartfelt gratitude for the journey, for the connections, clients, friends, colleagues that have shared my journey so far that I sit in quiet celebration of what the last 21 years have brought me. Of how they’ve changed me, awakened me, allowed the true me to emerge.
Celebrate your wins no matter how small. Practise gratitude daily and you’ll increase the energy of love and gratitude around you.
And, if you’re reading this, thank you for being here with me.