Expect the Unexpected.
This month’s new moon is a mixed bag. Falling on the 23rd at 3.25am in the sign of Taurus it calls for us to be prepared. Change is coming, and we need to be open and ready. Expect the unexpected.
Taurus is an Earth sign, grounded, practical, patient and very laid back. They live life at a slower pace than the rest of us, generally are pretty chilled and love to think. Family, home and material things matter to Taureans, they focus a lot on home comforts and generally have strong opinions (hence that reputation for stubbornness), but as well as being fierce they are gentle and a bit of a dark horse.
Ruled by the throat chakra this means that this particular new moon may be associated with anything to do with our throats, necks, tonsils etc, but perhaps more significantly by how we use the power of our throat chakras to speak wisely and with thought rather than reactively.
It’s time to think about our old habits, to question what we do, how we react to things, to think about changing our behaviours and our habits. To make the choice to ditch those things (and maybe people) that no longer fit.
New Moons are about setting intentions. Thinking about what we want to achieve over the next month. Whether it’s work related, or family, or diet, exercise, spirit or other it’s a chance to press restart on areas of our life that need to change.
Difficulties however are on the horizon with this New Moon as Saturn and Uranus are making their presence felt. Saturn, the old task master of the Planets squares the Moon whilst Uranus the planet of freedom conjuncts it. All this means that change is in the air.
Saturn can be challenging at the best of times. We could very easily find ourselves feeling more restricted and limited than we have so far; we might find that we’re really struggling to achieve any goals we’ve set ourselves, even for the simplest of tasks. Tensions may rise, tempers may fray and words we regret later can be uttered in the heat of the moment. It might, in fact, feel a little overwhelming.
Uranus urges us towards freedom in all ways. In movement, in expression, in choice and more. Known as the ‘Awakener’ it usually heralds in sudden changes, and sometimes shocks. Any upheavals brought by Uranus bring us a necessary break from restrictions towards more freedom. Under the current conditions that need to break free could cause friction if we apply it to a physical freedom. If, however, we use it to break free in our minds and our spirits then we’ll see less upheaval and more peaceful adjustment.
The key to dealing with these energies is Patience. More than ever, we need to be prepared to change, to see new opportunities, to go with the flow and look at new ways of doing things. Try not to allow distractions and interruptions to move us off our paths, but instead to use these energies positively and constructively. Remember New Moons are key times to set new intentions. Anger, frustration, irritation, anxiety and fear are all natural responses when we feel out of control, or restricted; asked to do things we really don’t want to. The important thing here is the bigger picture. These emotions can all be used to construct or destruct. Which one do you want to work with?
Instead of seeing these emotions as negatives we should acknowledge their existence and accept the message they bring to build something new and worthwhile. Taurus is an Earth sign, practical and grounded. Breathe through any anxieties and remember to stay grounded. We’ve been really lucky to have some fantastic weather recently so if you can get outside and walk barefoot in the grass, you’ll feel more connected and more grounded. If that’s not possible, imagine sending down roots from the soles of your feet deep into Mother Earth and really feel the connection and the nurturing strength that our planet gives us.
Above all, try not to overreact to situations, avoid too much time anywhere that might cause friction such as social media, news channels or media that instils fear and put your time on positive news channels. Focus on your home and creating a lovely, safe space – after all Taurus is all about home and home comforts.
And, on the 23rd, or 24 hours either side of it, make some time, light a candle and grab a piece of paper and a pen. If you have a treasured journal, use this. Write out your intentions. List what no longer works for you and what you want to replace them with. By writing out your intentions you are sending out that message of determination to your Higher Self and the Universe. Think about what steps are required to bring about those changes, and don’t worry if it is going to take some time, or even if it needs to wait a while until things return to a more normal footing. Writing out your intentions matters. Make time to think about changing any bad habits, starting new projects or new ways of living and working. Then, at the next Full Moon, we can review it and see where we are.
Till then, stay calm, grounded and connected. Connect with your heart before you speak. Breathe through the bumpy bits and connect in with what your soul really wants. If you need a chat, I’m here via Zoom.