A Super Moon calls for balance and harmony.
This month’s Full Moon rises at 3.35am tomorrow and is the first Full Moon of Spring and another Super Moon. Known as a Pink Moon because of the fields of Pink Flowers commonly seen in America at this time rather than for its colour it will appear bigger and brighter than the last couple of Full Moons. And if last night is anything to go by, she already looks spectacular. Super Moons are when the moon is at her closest to Earth and therefore seem much larger than normal but can also lead to more heightened emotions and sensitivities.
Because this month’s moon rises in the sign of Libra it’s a time for balance and harmony. You might find yourself needing to create a create a peaceful ambience at home, or to reconcile any damaged relationships. Libra after all loathes dispute and chaos.
Full Moons illuminate those parts of our lives where change is needed, where we might need to let go of something, or forgive someone. They show up those areas in our lives that are no longer working for us. And, collectively, we’ve all been shown areas of our lives together that are no longer working. This one is important as it gives us a change to change collectively, not just as individuals.
Not only that but it follows the conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto on Saturday (4th April) which brought us strong connection between our thoughts, our words, and our spiritual transformation. This time is an opportunity to change and shape our future and our reality if we just choose to look at the bigger picture and move through fear into possibility.
Whilst the Moon is in Libra the Sun is in Aries making an interesting push/pull of others/self. Aries, as the first sign of the Zodiac is the sign of self will and self, Libra is all about peace and beauty, and above all harmonious balance.
Full Moons are magical times for practising forgiveness rituals, for thinking about who you need to forgive, it may even be yourself. Make some time either side of this Full Moon to think about who you want to make up with and how to go about it. Be honest with yourself about why the relationship is problematical and what steps need to be taken to make, or break, it and move forwards. Beware of being oversensitive to others words and needs and make sure that you take some deep, calming breaths before responding.
On a collective level the recent conjunction combined with this Full Moon is a time when we can work with this opportunistic energy to all pull together and think of each other, or to purely think of ourselves. We will see instances of both. As we’re finding out in the current climate collectively we can bring about change, individually we can help or disrupt. No matter what our situation there someone is always worse off than us and I can’t help but think about all the souls I know who are alone in their self-isolation. Video chats, phone calls, any way of reaching out is important. And whilst they can’t take the place of hugs and gestures of affection they can, and do, mean so much. Individually most of us are feeling the effects of staying at home, not meeting friends, seeing loved ones, and connecting in our usual ways. How much harder is it for those who live alone.
Think about the situation on a Universal Level, whilst we are all on our individual journeys, we are all connected at a soul level. When we work together, connect, and use our energy we can raise vibrations and effect change. Now, more than ever before for most of us, can we see the power of the collective. Of groups coming together to help and support others in our communities, from Governments and most of all from those amazing Angels of Hope, the NHS, Care and Key workers who are working so tirelessly to get us through this time.
Our world and our reality are changing, under this Full Moon highlighting those changes are you ready to step up, to move out of ‘self’ and into ‘others’, into the Collective?
Are you ready to live a life of love and consciousness?