Time for a softer, questioning Aquarian Full Moon.

Tomorrows Full Moon peaks at 1.29pm here in the UK, but if our weather is anything like today we’ll be lucky to see much of her.

Augusts full moon is known as a Sturgeon Moon because of all the fish that is easily caught around this time. Other names include a Green Corn Moon, Barley Moon, Grain Moon and Fruit Moon.

Whatever you choose to call her she’s sitting in the air sign of Aquarius which means it should feel a little lighter than recent months have done. And, with the Sun and a good few planets enjoying a spell in fiery Leo this is set to be an interesting time.

Don’t be surprised to find yourself reflecting on your hearts desire, asking yourself, again, if you’re heading in the right direction, where you want to be, following your souls purpose. And if you’re not what actions can you take to bring about a shift in energy or an affirmative action for change. Use the energy of this Moon to work through those fears you’re facing, to take even the smallest step forwards, everything starts with a step, you can do this.

Face those fears around change, around stepping up, being seen, standing up for your beliefs, don’t be afraid to be heard, your voice matters.

Aquarians are the free thinkers of the Zodiac, independent, expansive and definitely original. Think about an Aquarian you know and I bet there’s some quirkiness that you immediately call to mind. As such this months Full Moon is asking us to look at what no longer works for us, but to do that in not only an individual way but also on a humanitarian and global level. Push through self confinement and fears and level up and think big - Leo after all doesn’t play small.

Answers might come in unexpected and surprising ways. Let go of the need to do things as you’ve always done, to control the outcome and direct the journey. Ask yourself what is no longer working for you and what can you do to change it and then let the Universe and your Higher Self guide you forwards. The answers and guidance you receive might come in unexpected ways that will surprise you, but your soul already knows the answers, you just need to be open to hear them.

Now because not only the Sun but also Mercury, Venus and Mars are resident in Leo currently it brings in a cautionary note. You might just want to check in and think before you speak. Especially if what’s under discussion is something that could trigger you. That’s not to say you should’t stand your ground; stuffing your feelings into a box doesn’t do any good; but it does mean that you might find you’re a bit more reactive than usual and if something touches any sensitivities you might have you might just light up like a fire bomb! Stop and consider before reacting and you’ll come through ok, even better your loved ones might just emerge unscathed too!

That said, Venus in Leo makes this a great time to spend with loved ones and close friends and I count myself lucky that I get to spend my Full Moon day working with a friend and business partner and the evening in the company of a few good friends too. A perfect yet accidental design for todays full moon energies.

Let’s not forget that one of the magical things about a Full Moon is that we can work on releasing what needs to go. It might be that this is a part of working through what no longer serves you, to let go of old ambitions and goals that are no longer aligned with your higher purpose. It might be that what you need to let go of is an old friendship or relationship you’ve outgrown.

Letting go and releasing clears the energy and makes way for new possibilities. As one door closes another one opens. Don’t let fear stop you from stepping through that door and having a look at the new vista in front of you. You might just find this one fits you and your soul so much better.

If you love reading or hearing about the energies of the Moon why not join me in person for our Full Moon Circles stating in October, next months Full Moon will find me in one of my soul places working with the Piscean moon energies in a stone circle.


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