Virgo New Moon - A Super Moon and a Black Moon.
Tomorrow sees a new moon rising in Virgo. If you follow me on social media you might recall last months new moon post when I mentioned getting ready to knuckle down and get organised - Virgo is, after all, the sign most concerned with organisation and everything in its place.
And this one is both a Super Moon and a Black Moon. A super moon happens when the Moon is at her closest to the Earth, we usually have between four and six super moons every year and as with both Full and New moons they impact the most those who have the same Moon sign in their birth chart. So this month it’s the turn of Virgo Moons to feel the most effects. Black Moons can be either when we have two new moons or no new moons in a calendar month, in this case it’s the second new moon this month, the first being on the 1st August.
If you’ve read any of my more recent posts you’ll know what a New Moon is all about, but if you haven’t and you don’t welcome to the magical world of Lunar energy and meanings. New Moons are the start of the Lunar Cycle and so energetically they are all about new beginnings. This is where we set our intentions for the next month, where we decide what we want to create and manifest and how best we can work to achieve those dreams and goals.
It’s an exciting part of the month, a part when we get to decide how we want our lives to look and what we need to do to create this reality. We don’t need to worry about releasing or letting go, that comes with the Full Moon in 2 weeks time. You’ll probably find you have all sorts of ideas and creations whizzing in and out of your head the day before and the day after a New Moon. If you’re anything like me this is a really creative time, words flow, blogs get written, and I love deciding which ideas to bring into fruition and which ones to let go of. It’s not about doing all of it, but about deciding which things you want to focus your energy and intentions on.
Putting those intentions into words, writing them down as a firm intention or even as a wish will set them in your energy field and express them to your higher self. If you’re artistic it might be that you paint or draw your desires. For me its always words, sometimes with a little doodle alongside ;-). There is power in setting down your intentions, by drawing, writing, doodling - however you do it, you’re visualising your new goal, stating your intention to the Universe and locking the energy of that dream into your manifestation centre (whichever chakra this goal resonates with though usually manifesting begins with the Crown Chakra). But, - isn’t there always a but? You need to believe in your dreams. It’s no good setting an intention if you really don’t feel you deserve it or will achieve it. It doesn’t matter how big or small your dream is, what really matters is that you feel it, believe it and trust that you can have it. The best intentions come from the heart not the head.
So what about this New Moon, what does a Virgo New Moon signify? Well, as mentioned above Virgo’s are the organisers of the zodiac, but they are also the healers, grounded, steady and practical they are Earth signs and so have an especial connection to the Earth and all things health related. Contrary to opinion they aren’t virginal, no-one associated with Mother Earth and the Goddess Ceres could be, rather they have an earthy sensuality mixed in with perfectionism and tolerance. Virgo’s are also about being in service so this new moon is partly about how we can best serve others but it’s also about creating routines, being organised and being aware of working too hard and neglecting ourselves. If any part of your life needs a declutter now is a good time to set the motions in place to do so.
Because there are a myriad of other planets also present in Virgo at this time we do need to be cautious, the negative traits of Virgo are a tendency to be critical and place too much energy on perfectionism. And with both Mercury in it’s home sign being joined by Mars it warns us to be careful of not only what we say but also how we say it. It’s easy to find ourselves in a position of conflict with so many powerful planets gathered together.
That said, because it’s a New Moon and New Beginnings are significant at New Moons it is a great time to start new diet or exercise routines, to think about health and wellbeing and what changes you can make.
Take some time to think about what you want to manifest, and write or draw out your intentions and wishes tomorrow. Feel what it’s like to actually be in that place or have the things you’ve set your heart on, feel it, believe it and begin the process of achieving it.
If you’re part of my Full Moon Circles from October you’ll have the chance to join me in my FaceBook group each month to work with your Lunar sisters and set your intentions together. Voicing our intentions to each other empowers them further and sets them as real. If you love all things lunar you’re welcome to join us.