Soul Musings
What is your Soul Purpose?
I’m often asked about Soul Purpose. What is it, how do I find mine and how do you feel when you’ve found it? I believe hugely in the power of Soul. Both individual and collective. But what is Soul Purpose?
Finding your Soul Purpose is allowing your light to shine…
A spiritual perspective on depression and anxiety.
Depression is not just the odd bad day here and there, we all have those, it’s a constant battle and not something you just get over. It’s debilitating, exhausting, all consuming. It’s scary as hell. And it’s even more difficult when you can’t understand why you feel like this, and neither can those around you. Anyone suffering needs a good support network, with no judgement, no trotting out positive quotes or platitudes etc, but other souls who will listen, encourage, and just be with you. Without trying to fix you.
Anger – a tool for creating or destroying.
Anger is often seen as a destructive emotion, and yes, in the hands of someone who doesn’t know what to do with it, of course it can be. But, anger can also be constructive. You can use anger to channel your energy into creating things, into starting new projects, new businesses, and new lives.