Spiritual Coach and Visionary

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Full Moon in Virgo – practical planning time.

This weekend’s Full Moon is in my home sign of practical Virgo opposite the Sun, Venus and Neptune in the dreamier sign of Pisces.  Known by Native Americans as the Snow Moon because it usually arose with a heavy snowfall this month’s Full Moon is all about blending the practical side of yourself with the dreamier side of you.  These two don’t often seem to work together as Virgo practicality usually means getting things done whereas dreamy Pisces likes to make time to daydream and create a great fantasy life. In fact, they complement each other because earthy practical Virgo balances Pisces floaty, dreamy outlook and Pisces help Virgo live a more spiritual and dream orientated life.

Moons represent our inner selves whilst the sun rules over our external self. Depending on the position of various planets Full Moons can cause some inner conflict, especially around emotions. There’s a reason A&E’s are busier around full moons, and the word Lunatic comes from this energy.

This moon rises early on Saturday at 8.17am, though she’s been looking especially bright and shiny the last couple of evenings. In fact, she was so bright through our Velux last night I honestly felt like I was moon bathing. Great for charging my crystals with such a strong luminosity.

Virgos traditionally are practical, down to earth and seem to be completely opposite to Pisces in so many ways. But Virgo’s are concerned with being of service and therefore when working spiritually are able to connect easily to their higher selves and listen to their heart whilst staying grounded and down to earth. They are also known as the healers, the sign that is health orientated so in addition to considering detail you might want to consider what you need to focus on that needs healing in your world.

Pisceans are deep thinkers, spiritual and connected to a more spiritual world. When we combine these two energies together, we get to see the bigger picture that we need to provide our lives with soul purpose and deeper meaning. Pisces as the last sign of the zodiac actively encourages us to take time out and spend time daydreaming, to build those castles in the air and just relax. It gives us permission to take time out and just be, if you listened to our chat in Clubhouse yesterday, we were discussing this very topic around permission and the need for validation.

Full Moons are traditionally times of forgiveness and release. Time to let go of burdens that no longer serve us, and sometimes that might mean letting go of people too or having a good clear out. They are perfect for working with forgiveness whether of ourselves or of others and this moon with its combined practicality meets dreaminess allows you to go deeper and truly work on forgiving by seeing things you might not have noticed before about the situation or external forces that were in play.

This full moon therefore means it’s time to gather our thoughts and focus on the bigger picture. Look at how your work, your creativity, your routines and practises and indeed your life can be of service to something much bigger than our individual selves.  A chance to dream big and make your life count, but a need to stay grounded whilst doing so and consider the intricate pieces of your plans and dreams as well as your soul path. Make time to consider where and how you can do things differently. It’s time to use this energy to let go of doubts and of self-limiting beliefs or fear that might be stopping you from living a life filled with purpose and grab that life with both hands because this is the life you came here to live. This is your highest potential, claim it and embrace it. Use the Piscean energy to dream about your perfect purposeful life, then let the practicality and detail orientated Virgo energy create a plan of action both of what to let go of, then of what to begin building.

You might find too that you feel the need to clean up – whether this is a physical clean or a clear out of social media or newsletter sign up type clean you may notice the pull to get things in order. To make room for a new beginning.

There are numerous ways of working with the energy of a full moon to make sure you make the most of that gorgeous releasing and forgiving energy. You can:

  • Charge your crystals. Don’t forget to cleanse them first then leave them under the gorgeous glow of Lady Lunar to be recharged and ready to work again.

  • Use your Oracle Cards to guide you if you’re not sure of what you need to release or forgive.

  • Write a letter to the person you wish to forgive then burn or bury it whilst holding the energy of forgiveness in your heart and affirming to yourself that you fully forgive.

  • Open your heart to allow full releasing and forgiveness to happen.

  • Use a cord cutting meditation with Archangel Michael if you are struggling to release those bonds connecting you to that person, memory or place.

  • Moon bathe – yes, it really is a thing

  • Work with moon crystals such as Moonstone, Selenite, Celestite or

  • Have a forgiveness bath with your favourite releasing and self-love scents. Aromas such as Rose, Geranium, Lavender, Frankincense, Neroli or Jasmine are great ones to use for Full Moon baths.

  • Make some Moon water – again, yes, it’s a thing and it’s beautiful. Place a jar or bottle of water under the light of the moon. You can put a crystal in the water and charge it with an intention by holding it and speaking your intention aloud. Place it on a reiki symbol or other positive, loving symbol that speaks to you and let the light of the moon charge the water with her magical energy. Make sure you put a label on the bottle if using it to create essences with as each full moon brings her own energy. If you’re not planning on drinking it but using it for ritual work include some fresh herbs or flowers in the water for the energy you wish to manifest.

Full moon energy is magical, embrace it even if you simply just like lying and staring at the moon. There’s something very special about a full moon that calls to the mystic inside all of us.