Spiritual Coach and Visionary

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A Full Blood Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius

This week’s energy packed Super Full Blood Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius occurs on Wednesday 26th May at 12.13pm in the UK, and whilst we won’t get to see the full effects of the eclipse if you’re in tune with the moon you’ll certainly feel it. Full Moons are naturally emotive times, they connect us to feminine energy, to magic and mystery and you can quite often feel emotions are nearer the surface. This is heightened even further with Super Moon energy and even more so during Eclipse season. You might notice your intuition is strong, messages and synchronicities are pouring in, dreams are much more vivid and memorable than usual. But what does all this mean for us and how can we work with these full-on energies for our soul growth? Or, if nothing else at least know how we can navigate times when those around us may be emotional or reclusive?

How do eclipses happen?

On rare occasions we get a lunar eclipse at the same time as a supermoon, the last one we experienced was in January 2019, this month we see another.  During a lunar eclipse the Sun, Earth and Moon are in perfect alignment, this means that the Earth blocks out and prevents the Suns light from reaching the moon, only a little light around the edge of the earth will seep through, the moon appears a reddish orange in colour due to the red-light rays making it to the surface of the moon. If you’re lucky enough to be in the right location a supermoon eclipse is a stunning thing to see. This Blood Moon will sadly not be visible here in the UK but if you’re in Australia, SE Asia, South America and the West USA you will be in for a treat – but only for 15 minutes or so, as eclipses go this one is a relatively quick one. And whilst it will appear reddish-brown it won’t be as strongly coloured as longer eclipses are.


What do eclipses signify?

Since ancient times eclipses have been seen as bringers of change. A lunar eclipse, where the light of the moon is hidden by the shadow of the earth brings up our unconscious thoughts and feelings to the surface for us to illuminate and work on. They are times of change, of endings and sudden decisions. They show us those things that have finished being useful, served their purpose, run their course and allow us to let go of them. Whilst they might appear to be something to be concerned about, I believe they are a gift to us as they allow us to press the reset button on how we feel, and what we allow ourselves to see. Eclipse seasons are deeply transformative times, they have the ability to launch us onto our true paths. Magical, emotional, soul growth times Lunar Eclipses are here to help us shift the emotional weight and baggage that we’ve been carrying for the last 6 months. They ask us to trust that any endings that happen are part of the Divine Plan and for our highest growth.

We usually have 2 eclipse seasons each year; each Lunar eclipse is followed by a Solar eclipse which happens at the time of the next new moon. This Full Moon eclipse opens the doorway to our first eclipse season this year. We have the next two weeks to work with the eclipse energies to bring about the deep transformations that will aid our soul’s growth. The 2 weeks following a lunar eclipse are times when we can learn lessons, when we release the energy of the last 6 months and the emotions that arose during that time. We can experience a complete release and re-balance of our lives during this time, of our work, our relationships but also of our understanding of ourselves. It’s a time of deep inner work, of soul growth, of forgiveness as well as releasing. Full moons themselves are a time to release and forgive, to look at the intentions we set at the previous new moon and decide which ones to continue working with but also which ones to let go of. And of course, relationships. Who do you need to forgive? What memories, attachments, emotions and relationships do you need to let go of, move on from or transform into something better? Full Moon Eclipses amplify this, they show us what is, and what is no longer, working for us. They are the final part of the circle, a chance to reveal and change our emotions and our mindset guided by our higher selves.

From now until the next new moon on the 10th of June we have the opportunity to work with this period of supported growth. Look out for any signs the Universe might be sending you, ask for direction, listen to the answers, they might come in unexpected ways. Ask for confirmation from the Universe or your guides or angels that you’re making the right choices, walking the right path. Be authentic, own what needs to shift in your life and emotional being, recognise and allow what needs releasing and where you might be resisting or feeling triggered. Ask for support if you need it. This is not a time to feel you have to go it alone. Don’t worry about not having all the answers or not seeing the whole picture yet, things will be revealed in the fullness of time but at present it’s a step-by-step process. Trust that you’re heading in the right direction, trust your inner knowing and intuition. Be true to yourself, hold your goals and dreams close to you and work towards doing what is needed to manifest them. These first 7 days are more about understanding the lessons and the answers, the second 7 as we head towards the new moon are about taking focussed action on achieving those dreams.

Above all though eclipses are nothing to fear, if you’re living your purpose then you might just need a small adjustment, if you’re way off track you might find it’s a more purposeful shove forward. Embrace the change, work through any feelings that arise and know that you are supported on this journey.

What does this full moon in Sagittarius signify?

Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign, spontaneous, free spirited with a love of freedom, of travel and adventure. They love to grow through experience rather than through hearsay or reading for example and can be known to take risks and make sudden changes. They have the ability to look beyond the more traditional belief systems and see the possibilities of what could be. That love of freedom can mean they hate being tied down, or restricted so this full moon could see a real feeling of needing to move, to escape or turn and run from the work (and the inner work) we are called to do. To ignore our responsibilities and shrug off the weight of being grown up, of things we have to do. To go and have fun instead of knuckling down and facing what needs forgiving and releasing.  Instead of feeling restricted try and find a way of freeing yourself within your environment, opening doors and windows, bringing the outside in if you need to. Placing natural scents around you so that the air around you feel more expansive and open. Instead of putting all your energy into fighting how you feel physically restricted focus that energy on what you emotionally and spiritually need to let go of, what changes you need to make so that there is space for the new to come in. It’s time to be really open minded to opportunities that are presenting themselves, to allow ourselves to see those and act on them in our highest interests. To truly let go of what no longer serves us.

Consider the symbol of Sagittarius, the archer arcing his bow and arrow ready to fire but with intent. Sagittarius symbolises the centaur, a healer who is connected to their higher, wiser self, a bridge between the Earth and the Heavens. It’s a chance to focus on your direction, to plan with wisdom, to connect in with your higher self and listen to the wisdom that you are being guided to learn. Plot your course but with wholehearted openness to that guidance and be flexible. 

It's also a time to rest, to listen to what your body and your higher self is telling you. Only by listening to our inner wisdom can we make purposeful plans to move forwards. Think back to last June, the time of the last Lunar Eclipse also in Sagittarius – how were you feeling, what was going on for you, what endings and beginnings were arising? June 2020 was an emotionally charged month for me as I closed the doors on something that had been a huge part of my life, made some very difficult decisions but in doing so opened the doors to a new way of working that mean more freedom to express and really step fully onto my soul path. But when I look back, I recall how it felt doing so, the grief and guilt, the sense of loss and uselessness, lack of purpose and direction that only changed in recent times. The 6 months following an eclipse are times when we can look back and clearly see the connective line between events, the changes that have occurred and the growth that should have happened. Take some time and think back to what has changed for you, how have you grown? 

And, if you find the eclipse energies around the full moon especially strong, and maybe overwhelming then give yourself the gift of space, retreat, honour your feelings. Old deeply felt emotions can be overwhelming at times, and sometimes it might not be your emotions but those of loved ones around you that you’re in the presence of. Whatever it is that you’re feeling work with it, feel it, own it, honour it and take time before communicating to make sure that any words you speak or actions you take are from the heart and with compassion rather than being reactive. Venus is close to Mercury just now and is guiding us to communicate from our hearts.

We also have a couple of retrogrades making their presence felt, Pluto is still retrograde until later this year, Saturn, the task master planet turned retrograde into Aquarius on the 23rd and Mercury retrogrades into Gemini on the 28th. Try not to make any huge decisions right now, at least not without really considered thought and advice if you need it.

Eclipses can provoke drastic change and quick decisions and actions. In Sagittarius this could mean sudden, reckless behaviour, spontaneous decisions and words and actions that are not well thought out. In other words, reactive rather than proactive mindset. 

This Full Moon offers us a chance to work on our spiritual growth, to evolve and expand.


Questions to ponder on.

Am I allowing myself to see my higher purpose and to work towards it?

Have I allowed myself to be distracted or focused on other work rather than doing the work my soul requires to grow?

Where have I stopped listening and being aware?

Where am I resisting my growth?

Where am I reacting rather than taking considered action?

Do the things I believe in make sense to me still?


How to work with the full moon.

Personally, I love using the full moon to really get focussed on what needs to go. Writing out what I need to release, acknowledging the feelings that come with this and letting that all go into the fire for releasing and cleansing is hugely transformative. You don’t need to burn your letter if this isn’t possible, you can bury it, tear it into shreds and flush it as well as burn it. Opening your heart and letting yourself release and forgive will help you move forwards. Don’t forget this is a great time to charge your crystals, especially those related to the moon. Use whatever soul tools you need to guide you into what you need to let go of – oracle cards, pendulums, chanting, meditation, anything that will reveal to you what is no longer serving you. Moon bathe or make moon water, have a forgiveness bath with your favourite oils and call on Angels such as Michael to help with releasing if you’re struggling to let go of those old connections and bonds tying you to old beliefs, patterns of behaviour or relationships. The crystals and essential oils mentioned below are very spiritual and chosen to help connect you to your spiritual growth, to help release what needs to go and to aid connecting with your higher self and your heart so that any communication is from your heart and with compassion. Please remember that any essential oils should be diluted before use, especially for bathing – add them to salts or unscented bath foam to really make sure you get the best from them.

There are numerous ways of working with the energy of a full moon to make sure you make the most of that gorgeous releasing and forgiving energy. You can: 

  • Charge your crystals. Don’t forget to cleanse them first then leave them under the gorgeous glow of Lady Lunar to be recharged and ready to work again.

  • Use your Oracle Cards to guide you if you’re not sure of what you need to release or forgive.

  • Write a letter to the person you wish to forgive then burn or bury it whilst holding the energy of forgiveness in your heart and affirming to yourself that you fully forgive, it can even be a letter to yourself.

  • Open your heart to allow full releasing and forgiveness to happen.

  • Use a cord cutting meditation with Archangel Michael if you are struggling to release those bonds connecting you to an old pattern or relationship.

  • Moon bathe – yes, it really is a thing

  • Work with moon crystals, great ones to work with during a Lunar eclipse are Charoite, Sugalite, Labradorite, Moss Agate and Chrysocolla.

  • Have a forgiveness bath with your favourite releasing and self-love scents. Aromas such as Spikenard, Rose, Frankincense, Neroli or Blue Chamomile are great ones to use for Full Moon baths, especially Lunar Eclipses.

  • Make some Moon water – again, yes, it’s a thing and it’s beautiful. Place a jar or bottle of water under the light of the moon. You can put a crystal in the water and charge it with an intention by holding it and speaking your intention aloud. Place it on a reiki symbol or other positive, loving symbol that speaks to you and let the light of the moon charge the water with her magical energy. Make sure you put a label on the bottle if using it to create essences with as each full moon brings her own energy. If you’re not planning on drinking it but using it for ritual work include some fresh herbs or flowers in the water for the energy you wish to manifest.

  • Download my free guides to Forgiveness and Release here to help you decide what and who you need to forgive and/or release.

  • You can also listen to my Full Moon Releasing Meditation for a magical moonlit journey to letting go, download it here

Full moon energy is magical, embrace it even if you simply just like lying and staring at the moon. There’s something very special about a full moon that calls to the mystic inside all of us.