Spiritual Coach and Visionary

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Full Moon in Scorpio – the hidden revealed.

This weekend’s Full Moon is in the deep, intense, transformative sign of Scorpio opposing a Taurean Sun. Taurus energy is earthy, magnetic, and as it’s ruled by Venus all about the senses and the sensual but with a healthy dose of practicality which means they are not afraid to put the work in. Scorpio is a water sign known for the sting in its tail, but it’s transformative, loyal and passionate nature forces us to reveal our shadow side and have those deep, revealing conversations.

Supermoons happen when a full moon is at her closest to Earth and they tend to look huge, they are known as Perigee or Perigean Moons and occur when the moon’s orbit is within 90% of Earth. This gives a little latitude (sorry!) about what classes as a Supermoon, some astrologers state we have 4 Supermoons this year, others refer to 2. This one, given its orbit is within the 90% is agreed by all to be a Supermoon.

A full moon in April is called a Pink Moon because of all the pink blossoms that appear at this time, this month’s Moon is therefore known as a Super Pink Moon. This moon appears larger than normal, although not as close as next month’s moon this is the 2nd closest it will get to the Earth this year. Supermoons at this time of year can cause Spring Tides to be higher than normal too.

This month’s Full Moon rises in the UK at 4.13am on Tuesday the 27th illuminating what has been hidden. The chances are you might find yourself feeling rather restless over the next few days. Supermoons charge the energy present, and this moon is in a water sign meaning emotions can run high and you might find yourself reaching for tissues more than usual.

In addition to this we have 7 planets in fixed signs, a Taurean Stellium (Mercury, Venus, Uranus and the Sun as well as Black Moon Lilith), a fixed T-square between the Moon, Sun and Saturn in Aquarius, and Venus is in her home sign further amplifying the energy. This moons message is all about transformation, but you may well find yourself facing resistance and inner conflict not only about what changes need to happen but also about whether or not you really need to make them. That fixed T can cause turmoil and swift, raised emotions. Thankfully Uranus is charging us with not only accepting but embracing those changes, help yourself to do this by focusing your Full Moon ritual on releasing what needs to go. And, if you find yourself challenged by that emotive T-square take some time out and go deep, look at what is being triggered and what you can do to heal it.

Pluto, Lord of the Underworld is raising his head now too, about to turn retrograde until the 7th of October he’s set to unveil what has been hidden, to show up what needs healing globally, locally, collectively and individually. Secrets have a way of revealing themselves and Pluto is working to make sure we see the truth.

As we’ve discussed before the Moon represents your inner self, and the Sun your outer self, and this one is asking you to take a deep, honest look at what needs to change. It’s time to consider what is no longer working for you, to look at the areas that are leaving you feeling dissatisfied or bored. Are you at a crossroad? Is it time to honestly face the shifts, changes and transformations your soul is calling on you to see?


You could feel pulled to move house, change jobs or relationships, to end contracts, finally release old habits, behaviours and maybe even the words you use about yourself. After all this Taurus energy is about our self-value and self-worth and how we speak to ourselves is hugely impactful on how others see us too. What do you need to change to bring yourself into alignment with your soul purpose, your true self and what you need to walk your truth?

Sudden, pivotal changes can happen with all this energy around, it’s time to shift out of our comfort zone, face the fear and allow ourselves to be happy. Full Moons are traditionally times of forgiveness and release. Time to let go of burdens, behaviours and habits that no longer serve us, and sometimes that might mean letting go of people too or having a good clear out. They are perfect for working with forgiveness, whether of ourselves or of others, and this moon with its focus transformation allows you to go deeper and truly work on allowing change to happen by releasing the past and focusing on the present and the future.

This full moon therefore means it’s time to take a good, honest look at what you need to be able to change, to release, to shift perspective on to let your true self emerge, to allow yourself to live the life you deserve, to be more authentic, freer, elevated and honest. To be happy. A word of advice though, with all this planetary action you’d be advised to think before you speak, to take time to reflect on emotions and messages and not just react. Water signs, Supermoons, and planetary positions means lots of highly charged emotions around. Pull back, think and figure out the best course of action.

Let go of what you need to, heal what you can, this is not the time for a sticking plaster, this is time to rip the plaster off old wounds and really consider what is needed to fully heal. Ask yourself the deeper questions that Scorpio energy demands – ‘do you want to stay where you are, safe, familiar but maybe beginning to feel slightly boring or uncomfortable, or do you dare to take a risk, to allow yourself to let go of the old and comfortable and move into the new, to follow the path you came here to live?’ Think about what you need to move forwards in a soul aligned way.

There are numerous ways of working with the energy of a full moon to make sure you make the most of that gorgeous releasing and forgiving energy. You can:

  • Charge your crystals. Don’t forget to cleanse them first then leave them under the gorgeous glow of Lady Lunar to be recharged and ready to work again.

  • Use your Oracle Cards to guide you if you’re not sure of what you need to release or forgive.

  • Write a letter to the person you wish to forgive then burn or bury it whilst holding the energy of forgiveness in your heart and affirming to yourself that you fully forgive, it can even be a letter to yourself.

  • Open your heart to allow full releasing and forgiveness to happen.

  • Use a cord cutting meditation with Archangel Michael if you are struggling to release those bonds connecting you to an old pattern or relationship.

  • Moon bathe – yes, it really is a thing

  • Work with moon crystals such as Moonstone, Selenite, Celestite or Rose Quartz.

  • Have a forgiveness bath with your favourite releasing and self-love scents. Aromas such as Rose, Geranium, Lavender, Frankincense, Neroli or Jasmine are great ones to use for Full Moon baths.

  • Make some Moon water – again, yes, it’s a thing and it’s beautiful. Place a jar or bottle of water under the light of the moon. You can put a crystal in the water and charge it with an intention by holding it and speaking your intention aloud. Place it on a reiki symbol or other positive, loving symbol that speaks to you and let the light of the moon charge the water with her magical energy. Make sure you put a label on the bottle if using it to create essences with as each full moon brings her own energy. If you’re not planning on drinking it but using it for ritual work include some fresh herbs or flowers in the water for the energy you wish to manifest.

  • Download my free guides to Forgiveness and Release here to help you decide what and who you need to forgive and/or release.

Full moon energy is magical, embrace it even if you simply just like lying and staring at the moon. There’s something very special about a full moon that calls to the mystic inside all of us.