Soul Musings

Astrology Heather Booker Astrology Heather Booker

Retrogrades and the Wounded Healer

Retrogrades can give the impression of chaos and disruption, but in reality they are great illuminators giving us the opportunity to see things differently, to understand and learn and can be times of great transformation. Chiron is the wounded healer who teaches us all about how we experience wounds and learn about ourselves whilst in pain.

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Spiritual Intelligence Heather Booker Spiritual Intelligence Heather Booker

A spiritual perspective on depression and anxiety.

Depression is not just the odd bad day here and there, we all have those, it’s a constant battle and not something you just get over. It’s debilitating, exhausting, all consuming. It’s scary as hell. And it’s even more difficult when you can’t understand why you feel like this, and neither can those around you. Anyone suffering needs a good support network, with no judgement, no trotting out positive quotes or platitudes etc, but other souls who will listen, encourage, and just be with you. Without trying to fix you.

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Inspiration Heather Booker Inspiration Heather Booker

Perfectly stressed or imperfectly happy.

In our fast paced, hectic world it is increasingly hard to be perfect, and yet still we persist in trying to be. Trying to be the perfect wife/mother/daughter/sister/friend etc to have the perfect house, the perfect job, the perfect life. But how many of us actually achieve perfection? I know I haven’t, in fact I would say I was far from perfect, but you know what – I kind of like it that way.

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