Welcome Sacred Soul

Your Sacred Space is where you can find yourself again and again.
— Joseph Campbell


I’m Heather and I can’t wait to connect with you.

Spiritual Growth has been an essential part of my journey for a long time. Connecting with Nature, with my own inner wisdom and the knowledge of ages remains a big part of my journey and it’s a huge pleasure to share that passion with you.

My gift is holding the space for you to find the beat of your soul, to know what lights you up and to live a life filled with soul. Soul coaching raises your vibrations, brings in greater connection and conscious connection to your higher self, your own wisdom and messages from your inner goddess. Unlocking your truths, accessing your gifts and finding your own sacred space.

There are different ways we can connect from 1:1 mentoring and coaching to online classes and workshops. Spiritual growth your way in your time. Have a browse and find your path

Connect with your inner wisdom

  • spiritual guide and coaching

    spiritual guidance

    Your 1:1 time with me to access your soul, learn to trust your amazing inner wisdom and how to incorporate your spiritual self into daily life.

  • online workshops for spiritual growth

    spiritual mastery

    Explore different ways of connecting with your spirituality & who you truly are through a wide range of unique online programmes and masterclasses

  • online community for spiritual growth

    spiritual space

    Connect with your soul family in our exclusive online community. Chat, learn & grow together through webinars, masterclasses, live events & more.

Latest Soul Musings

Read my latest ponderings and snippets of wisdom on spirituality and soul growth.